Im posting this request to be an admin on Garrys Mod.Skillz:short bit of lua coding
LOTS of gmod expieriece
no ragequiting
respect towards other admins
technology itself
finding ways of getting over spammers instead of ragequiting
all the above and more...
1. I am a good sport about winning or else. (I dont Ragequiet, or mic spam whenever i get pissed at another player) 
2. Age: 17
Ping:60-135 or higher
Time spent online: Between 2 1/2 weeks im online all the time
Real Life name: Sam Gilstrap (i know my last sounds weird)
3. I'm fond of the rules of the gmod servers
Why?: Because everyday on the gmod servers, i see a couple hundred mingebags, who come on the servers, just to piss everyone off and laugh by mic spamming, and whenever everyone wishses an admin where there, one never comes and everyone has to endure the horrible torture of listening to them.
. I want to be an admin, so that i can rid the servers of the mingebags who spam everyday they get on gmod (not the ones that spam scarcly, too hard to find themThese are all my credidentials, and yes you may think that it is very hard to get admin privelges, but i hope i can