Tech Lounge > Mapping

zs_hospital *Css Required*, Your opinion.

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Yeah a hospital map has been done. check this out Its a good example of what you're going to be competeing with. this map is relativly fail. Like its missing alot on the reslease that shows what it is but its fail. So use it as a general guide. But good idea anyway, good luck.

Sorry if this is a late post

Proudly Infected:
Oh cool, thankyou for posting that, I'll use it as a guide for improvement, now even though this is my first map im putting a LOT of effort in, im going to make sure its great!

Proudly Infected:
Hey guys, Sorry the maps been so slow, I've been pre-occupied, the other day I ran into a problem, I've been building the map under the Counter Strike Source SDK version. And realized theres no ammo-crates, health boxes, zombie spawn-points, or anything I need. So I just got half-life 2 and started working again, this time most of the textures are white from css... I fixed most, but not all. I'm kinda stuck. I know there are maps that use stuff from both games. How can I do this?

Majoras mask:
well you could of kept your textures the same and saved your map, then open it up with hl2, add ammo crates/hp whatever, then switch it back to css(yes it will not show in css but in gmod it will)

» Magic «:
GCFScape the textures our of Counter Striker: Source Content.gcf in steam/steamapps folder, extract "materials" + "models" folder to  "C:/steam/steamapps/proudlyinfected/garrysmod/garrysmod"

GCFScape =


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