Tech Lounge > Mapping

zs_hospital *Css Required*, Your opinion.

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devvybabe ♥:
I wanted to know if you guys think its a fairly good idea to create a hospital map for zs. A very very good friend of mine is currently working on it and I pitched in some good ideas. But mainly, its all his work. I'm just putting it out there. Since no one on rnd knows him very much.

Zombie spawn is in basement. Which is also a morgue. We dont know if we'll make a second floor or not. Human spawn is outside the hospital in parking lot.

Here's a snippet of the map
Source SDK - zs_hospital_beta
This is an extremely early stage of the map, there's still 98% of the hospital to be built. The textures are nowhere near done. The map is planned to be very much detailed. There's more to come. He's working on it very hard. His name is Proudly Infected.

Sounds like a very good idea for a map. I can already imagine it. Tell him to make it as detailed as possible for maximum awesome!

» Magic «:
This sounds like L4D Mercy Hospital xP


rly cool idea, sis

devvybabe ♥:
Thank you for checking it out. I appreciate it. The map maker appreciates it more. Thanks for your opinion as well :D


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