Tech Lounge > Mapping
Sleepersoft's last map.
lol turrets?
--- Quote from: SMasters9106 on March 10, 2010, 02:22:31 PM ---sorry but i think this might be a bad idea, lets say you get randomly picked for a zombie and the humans get to the vehicle, most likely all the zombies would rage quit, even if you become a fast zombie you probably couldn't hit the person driving. If you do, make it a really hard spot to get to,a bit more challenging than your deathlab map (version 2 i think)
--- End quote ---
i tested it and its useless when the chems class come out... a headon collision with a chem made my health go down to 53. and the vehicle isnt that easy to get to...
wont the vehicle damage the humans to? I think it would and that would be fail, nub gets vehicle. Nub runs us all down. :( Then I rage quit and cry in the closet. :( lol
Uhh solid idea tho. I think you should really have a different concept then your other death maps. I mean really? They are all repetitive and based off the same things. The cade rooms are the same in lab and trap. I would like to see some thing a little fresh.
Think about it
Dear Sleepersoft:
Do as much as you can, I love hearing them complain. Until it gets out of hand of course, but before then it provides a sturdy base for "lolz".
Best Regards,
CEO rANdOm lol Squad
lol for the lulz put this prefab in
or make your own
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