Tech Lounge > Mapping

Sleepersoft's last map.

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--- Quote from: jimonions on March 08, 2010, 12:39:25 AM ---mmmm sounds fun, but if you run over chems would they dmg you? if they dont then i ouldnt think its such a gud idea :P. it would be awesome to have some kind of rpg because the gmemode gets rid of weapons like that for some reason.

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scripted weapons
it only allows what Ruben puts into the code

just like on flood

Cmon :/ U didnt answer meh :/


--- Quote from: Mingebagger on March 08, 2010, 09:59:17 AM ---Cmon :/ U didnt answer meh :/

--- End quote ---
wats yer question ?


Majoras mask:

--- Quote from: sleepersoft on March 08, 2010, 12:28:17 AM ---yes i would like some suggestions, im pretty much set on not having any traps in this map, so just like what you would like to see in this map. no limits!  :P  also i have a question for you guys, would you like (just for the lulz) a vehicle in the map, that you can drive around and run over zombies?

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sorry but i think this might be a bad idea, lets say you get randomly picked for a zombie and the humans get to the vehicle, most likely all the zombies would rage quit, even if you become a fast zombie you probably couldn't hit the person driving. If you do, make it a really hard spot to get to,a bit more challenging  than your deathlab map (version 2 i think)


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