Hello, my name is Jay and i am 15 years old. I live in the United States, I like hardcore deathmetal, speedmetal, trance, and techno. Besides Garrys mod I play, Halo 3, COD4, Far Cry 2, AOM, Halo 1, and sometimes World of Warcraft. I used to be part of the Halo clan "The Last Snipers" and my signature is one of the first ones i have ever made.
In my spare time while i am not gaming I often find myself taking pictures of birds and the mountains nearby my area. My favorite kind of weather is rain and snow, I don't know why but when it rains or snows it gives me comfort. Sunny days are not my favorite days, it just seems to bright outside and too warm, I am more of a person that likes the cold. I try to keep good grammar when i write things.
I have been fallowing you guys around on your servers for awhile Build, Spacebuild, and Stranded. I would like to say that they are cool servers and i have been enjoying playing on them. Anyways I really like your servers and I would like to help out in anyway i can. Thanks!