Name: Peter Nguyen (They call meh "Peetah" p.p)
Location of house: Canada, Toronto (Yes I am an imigrant to Canada. (Good place I must say!))
Age: 17
Friends: Nobody
Skills: E2, Lua, C, C#, C++, and Java yesssss.
Server I play on: I am Like hardcore Wirebuild player right so I play on it alot.
Sorry if its a bit short :/ cant realy type alot. New to English you know. (Spell check my best friend

My Life story...So I was born right? I am of Half Switzerland and half Vietnamese. At the age of mmm 13 i think. Was the year I came to Canada. My parents idk only stayed for 1 year.
So yeah I was like 14 living with my best friends house. Now we are in big school and he has his own small house. I AM STILL LIVING WITH HIM.
Life in Canada is very nice, the only thing I have to worry about is Money, School, and food. I make the Lunch and Dinner for the house cause I rent his home for free.
For Money I work at a store called Canada computers part time, Very nice store! It is very easy I only make instant noodles. It is very
good cause hes Asian too and he like noodles. When I came to Canada I knew 0 English. Look were I am now! I am very proud.
So then I desided to write this and now we are here!
By your good old pal -Peetah-