SteamID: Di3hard
Friend(s): I dont know, who wants to be here PM me
Favourite subject(s): MATH, WIRE, SDK, HAMMER, and some more which are disclosed
Birthday: Jan,7 so give me prezzentz!!11!
Education: 6th grade math in some subjects(no trig yet cuz im a lazy bastard), basics in source sdk, some shiz in c++, Elementary GIMPSHOP stufzz, LoGiC!, and ofc the imagination to build smth.
Builds: Spaceships, trains, securitysystems, cars, planes, houses, traps, hovercraft,
Games: gmod, dod, css, cs1.6, Serious Sam, Serious Sam2, Perimeter, Mechminds, Mechminds2, Diablo 2, Diablo 2 LOD, Starcraft, Starcraft broodwar, Evil Genious, Gunman chornicles, Conquest Frontier wars, D-Day, Beyond good & Evil, X3 franchise, Homeworld, Homeworld2, All DOW franchise but Soulstorm, Ground Control, Ground Control 2, Starlancer, Age of Empires, Age of Empires Gold Edition, Tribes 2, Tribes: Vengeance, Lord of the Rings: War of the Rings, Iceage, Crimson Skies, Halo, Skywarriors, all URUs, and many more im just a lazy bstard.
Location: U.S.A, California
How to contact me:MSN:
I know i am young but I am very mature for my age so yea ..