The wood in this picture used to have 500 health points. Now it has 50 health points.

The wood in this picture used to have 1250 health points. Now it has 250 health points.

The door in this picture used to have 1000 health points. Now it has 500 health points.

All the windows in the second floor are breakable and now have 250 less health points than before.

The door in this picture used to have 1000 health points. Now it has 500 health points.

Once again... the door in this picture used to have 1000 health points. Now it has 500 health points.

Version two...* The giant hole no longer has water at the bottom. If you fall in as a zombie you better know how to type kill in console.
* I have added rain to the level.
* I have added fog to the level.
Version three...
* The giant hole kills anything that goes into it.
* Rain was removed due to an error which crashes the game.
* Another tower was added to the map.
* Windows on the second floor now have 750 health points.
* Added more props, and removed some props.
If you like it don't be shy to press the cheer button.
The most important part is the download link...

Installing instructions for whomever uploads the map to the server. Remove zs_fort and put in zs_fort_v3. Thank you...
Easy Share cause I'm cool.