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New Flood Mods?

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Inorite :(.


--- Quote from: SabbathFreak911 on March 18, 2010, 02:28:17 PM ---I've many great ideas/suggestions (other than this one) but I think it's quite clear Coolz isn't looking into adding more to Flood. It's been the same way it is since the first time I've seen it, which is quite long, and he hasn't mentioned anything about updating it that I know of.

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Lets be clear.

I have not personally contributed recently. Most of what I did for that specific server was in the beginning.

Even so, Ruben has put some time into that server along with Minic. There last edits were not that long ago.

With that said, our attention has shifted to creating that type of gamemode from the ground up.

Ruben has been working very diligently to get it up and running for you guys to play on.


--- Quote from: coolzeldad on March 18, 2010, 03:05:43 PM ---Lets be clear.

I have not personally contributed recently. Most of what I did for that specific server was in the beginning.

Even so, Ruben has put some time into that server along with Minic. There last edits were not that long ago.

With that said, our attention has shifted to creating that type of gamemode from the ground up.

Ruben has been working very diligently to get it up and running for you guys to play on.

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:O! I didn't know that, thanks.


--- Quote from: coolzeldad on March 18, 2010, 03:05:43 PM ---With that said, our attention has shifted to creating that type of gamemode from the ground up.

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For all the people that just read that, that, will take, a century.

I was talking to Ruben about a melon Deathmatch gamemode that could be made xDDD


--- Quote from: Kräsher on March 19, 2010, 10:17:11 PM ---For all the people that just read that, that, will take, a century.

I was talking to Ruben about a melon Deathmatch gamemode that could be made xDDD

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That's an amazing idea!!!


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