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New Flood Mods?

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Another good idea by the staff  ::)


--- Quote from: me4488 on March 18, 2010, 06:55:40 AM ---Another good idea by the staff  ::)

--- End quote ---

I thought so: it would be a map of tunnel and so on. as a basis subarina. Then a barrel mating and you have to escape this. You should go to ground or a submarine.
In its course, you must close gates thick, and other lifts went up.
I think it cool! :)

I've many great ideas/suggestions (other than this one) but I think it's quite clear Coolz isn't looking into adding more to Flood. It's been the same way it is since the first time I've seen it, which is quite long, and he hasn't mentioned anything about updating it that I know of.

If only coolz would say himself that he won't do it instead of letting us hang on a lim :(


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