Introductions/Apps/Suggestions > Server Requests/Suggestions

Deathmaps should be removed

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» Magic «:
sleepers admin rooms are ftw

Cake Face:
There is no challenge to his shitty maps. Nor are they interesting. Just free frickin' kill spots for humans. Now he made another shitty deathmap which is deathrun...but its nothing more then a maze really.

Coolz or who ever manages the ZS servers are taking a more advanced shroom then everyone else.


--- Quote from: cssfps on February 17, 2010, 06:51:11 PM ---challenging and interesting for who?

--- End quote ---

callenging ad intresting for anybody who thinks they are, obviously if people pick that map so much then they must like something about them ;D


--- Quote from: jimonions on February 18, 2010, 10:48:47 PM ---callenging ad intresting for anybody who thinks they are, obviously if people pick that map so much then they must like something about them ;D

--- End quote ---

Hm, when I'm on the server, mostly kiddies keep voting for deathmaps ... Or krusty krab.

most of the people are not mingieze or kids like DC and xexxar but we still vote for them cus theyre awesom even if overplayed. what would probably work better is if there were like 10 death maps ;D


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