Introductions/Apps/Suggestions > Server Requests/Suggestions

Deathmaps should be removed

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it does

Cake Face:
If thats true then....coolz defiantly needs to remove the maps until the new voting system comes along.

Deathmaps are an excellent concept. I am actually basing my map off of his maps. The problem is that people need an incentive to run through the level. That incentive is usually ammo/hp. This makes the survivors virtually impenetrable. I'm trying to work this out within my own maps.

there are SECRETS which make the gameplay a little more challenging and interesting than running around.


--- Quote from: jimonions on February 17, 2010, 04:22:29 PM ---there are SECRETS which make the gameplay a little more challenging and interesting than running around.

--- End quote ---

challenging and interesting for who?


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