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Boat Sinker Resigns RND (flood)
--- Quote from: PhrozenFox on January 25, 2010, 02:05:28 PM ---As soon as I feel ready, I am registering for admin, I already meet the expectations by far, just not enough time logged.
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ive been here since october '09
and Fox has the skillz, maybe he bends a rule now and again, but only for the benefit of the players
I've been since teh march 8)
--- Quote from: Party Krasher on January 25, 2010, 02:11:29 PM ---ive been here since october '09
and Fox has the skillz, maybe he bends a rule now and again, but only for the benefit of the players
--- End quote ---
October ?
U just joined.
Its not just that RND lack admins, its also giving respected status for every bitching minge that posts on the forum which makes the servers almost unplayable, a thing I always complained about and a thing that even other server know about: example: I once went to Newbtown server and only because I was RND all the members there taught I'm a smartass minge O.o
P.S.- I'm here since August '09 =D
ok this is going offtopic lol
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