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Boat Sinker Resigns RND (flood)
--- Quote from: ~Magic on January 27, 2010, 01:21:09 PM ---i've learnt it, nwo to revise it xD
--- End quote ---
A team plugin for ASS_mod is already made, we are just remaking it i guess xD.
I can make a more powerful voting engine too. Only the respected can vote, so noobs don't say no because they are "luling"
And a team plugin is currently being made by me :P.
rANdOm Team Plugin:Features:
* Both players must agree to make a group/add a member to the group.
* Both Players will receive the reward, :D.
* Players can be kicked by the group leader.
* Players can choose to share money. (Might Give a better end of round bonus :P)
* Other Shizz
» Magic «:
okay party, ill work with you on that ;P
--- Quote from: ~Magic on January 28, 2010, 08:30:09 AM ---okay party, ill work with you on that ;P
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I bet ruben could do this in like 10 min
and it would pwn but haf bugs
--- Quote from: Tomcat on January 28, 2010, 06:13:41 PM ---
I bet ruben could do this in like 10 min
and it would pwn but haf bugs
--- End quote ---
I will debug
and i already made one
took abouttt
13 mins
Ruben Is alot better than me haha
Flood became a paper sheethole actually not a hellhole..
Minges on my boat start rocketing it when they say
"Hey darky i help u on ur fuxin boat pleez?"
I say ok O.o?
then round starts they rocket it then i just finished 10k lulz.
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