Yes I know that there already is a zs guide posted but i felt like making one myself... enjoy
first off...
weaponsbest long range starter pistol: peashooter, the peashooter does small dmg but is very good for long range
best short range starter pistol: owens handgun, very good dmg at close range.
best melees for killing zombies: shovel/sledge/axe are bery good for killing zombies, very good dmg for how fast they swing
best 2nd pistol upgrades: well... they're all good but deagle is best for mid range, maggy is good for far away(in my opinion) glock is very good for close range (basically an upgraded owens)
best smgs: reaper/shredder, reaper has good dmg and good accuracy, the shredder is pretty much the same thing with small differences in dmg,
best cading weapons: well this is easy the hammer and the aegis are the best, aegis spawns boards attached to the wall, prop etc... the hammer can nail props down the the floor, a door , even a toilet.
best 25 kill shotguns: sweeper and the boomstick, sweeper is good because it has 3 shots and a little bit better range, boomstick will kill
ANYTHING if you are right next to the zombie.
best 35 kill weapons: tiny slug and the inferno, inferno has pretty good accuracy and deals a lot of dmg, tiny slug is basically the awp from css,amazing dmg and accuracy while in crouch/iron sight.
next up... how, where and when to cadeaverage zs player: ok guiz where to cade?
if you don't know the map stick with the group and learn the cading spots of the map,if you do know the map don't cade until the end of wave 2
why? cading at the end of wave 2 gives you a chance to get some good weapons+ fast zombies unlock on wave 3 (very bad for people out in the open)
average zs player: YUZ i haz teh hammer of goodness
don't get excited that you have the hammer and run off to a fail cade by yourself find some people get some kills then get in a nice cozy spot, make sure the spot you are cading has props to last a while, and room for the chems. if someone in your group if good with the hammer...
GIVE IT UP just sit back, relax and let them take care of the job.
new zs player: how to use the hammer?
well depending on your props you might have to be nailing them upside down or flipped over.
(SMasters makes win cades

finally... zombies and how to kill themhead crabs: best takin out with a strong melee for a satisfying kill.
torso: best takin out with a melee (decent melees are fine, you don't need a shovel or anything like that )
regular zombos: if you have a strong melee hit them then run back, hit them then run back until he is dead. AW SHIT NOT A PLANK, if you don't have a good melee just try to aim for the head.
fast zombies: personally i like to keel them with a second upgrade pistol(any is fine)
wraiths: don't try to take these out with a melee just shoot them(any gun is good against wraiths)
poison head humpers: best takin out with the maggy if they are spitting at you from a spot you can shoot them, why maggy? you can use the magnum's ricochet (rick-O-shay).
poison zombies: best takin out with a strong weapon (not melee)
chem: best takin out from a distance with any gun. (DO NOT SHOOT THEM WHEN THEY ARE NEAR SOMEONE

anyways I hope this helps and if you have any questions about zs, just ask