hello...I'm Paradox, but...you can call me Para. I am new here, as you can see (10 minutes since I've registered....quite a well-managed site, if i do say so myself ^_^.)
Why the name ParadoX you ask? the answer is quite simple....a Paradox is defined as something that isn't supposed to work, and goes against the laws of physics...in Gmod...i am a paradox...sooo...the name just stuck

when am i on?

most of the time between 4:30 PM and 10:00 PM (-4gmt) and you can usually find me goofing around in the PHX/Wire server.
i just LOVE shooting games...and i LOVE physics...so, Gmod was the perfect game for me.
I love to learn, so if i see something that interests me, i persue it, no questions asked

my wire work is somewhat sloppy :/ but i try

I am however, having a LOT of issues with the hoverdrive...it wont teleport me forward, for some reason D:, so any help would be much obliged ^_^.
now...for some info about me (at least, stuff that has not already been disclosed up Thar ^)
name : Paradox (DUH! Lol) Real name: Dorion James Beaudin (that one was a little less obvious XD!)
steam name : Dreamnova (don't be afraid to add me!

friends: ....lolwhut?
age: 15 (...seems like the generic gmod age...right?

birthday: November 6 1994 (lmao...i cant wait for my beginners licence!

education : highschool.....grade 9
Location: Canada, Ontario, Timmins (stalkers beware, i know how to use a firearm

contact?: email, or msn messenger (dorionbeaudin@live.ca)
This has been a paradoxical production B]