First of all, My name is Taylor, Jeremy. Last name first, first name last. PROFESSIONAL. I'm 14 years of age, ( I know, I am a little young ).
I absolutely LOVE GARRY'S MOD And the wire mod. So far, im in the eighth grade and im going into a computer programming highschool (i hope).
I want to be apart of your Steam group

I want to get access to the STOOL's like the Adv. Duplicater, and the prop cannon and so on.
When you get to know me, I am a fun guy. I also have E-mail of course. so you can communicate with me. Oh and the messages at the panel.
So I'm Jeremy and this was my WELCOMING POST.
OH and I do be on this server, meet me at wire/build. thats where the PHUN happens. XD
I also live in Illinois, Chicago. I grew up in the ghetto

but I might not act like it and i was raised in the white town

sooo my hobbies are playing basketball...garry's mod of course, hangin out with friends aaannnd roller blade skating. So yeah, I hope you accept my Welcoming post.

Oh and I also do best in science, not so good in math, I adore reading, sports, GYM!! ftw. And i hate sloppy joe D:
lALSO!! I have XBOX LIVE for anyone who want to communicate there.
_Gamertag- JJman u k- Taylorjeremy