EDIT: This is an old post and i have brought i t up again for others to see, and hopefully for nit to be put into teh flood server. ruben agreed to but did not carry out teh deed.I think that these rules should be used in the flood server. they already are but are not shown in !rules and when you press q and go under the tab rules.
Some Rules You Should Consider:
-No shooting the boat you're on; regardless of owner.
-Prop pushing or prop blocking in any way will not be tolerated.
-You are not to hold up a fight round, this means no money rounding.
-When the winning boat is left, all players except owner are ordered to jump. If owner is dead the player with the least money stays on.
-Respect other players in the server.
-Don't exploit any bugs/glitches/errors with the game mode.
-No excessive vulgar language (stop before it goes too far).
-No ramboing. This means you are not allowed to shoot the boat that you are jumping off of.
Have fun

For respected users:
-You must warn someone at least once before you decide to initiate a vote on them.
-No kick/ban threats are to be made for personal gain.
-You are not allowed to kick someone for money rounding if you are alive (and you are not the owner of the boat)
-If you are going to kick/ban a player that refuses to jump off a boat when they are supposed to, make sure you give them a fair amount of time to react (don't kick on impulse).
Boat Sinker Rlz