Okay, about the exact time it is now, i went into garrysmod, and only flood & prop hunt was up, so i joined flood, bufferoverflow, rejoined and this minge was pushing ii said wtf? and i wasnt admin, then i said wow rly wtf, then this guy spawn a water dispencer and the server crashed.
Network: IP, mode MP, dedicated No, ports 27015 SV / 27005 CL
Connecting to
Connected to
Map: fm_bigtank_v1
Players: 5 / 16
Build: 3943
Server Number: 2
No pure server whitelist. sv_pure = 0
Lua initialized (Lua 5.1)
Simple Prop Protection Version 1.51 by Spacetech has loaded
Warning: vgui.Create failed to create the VGUI component (DFrame)
includes/extensions/vgui_sciptedpanels.lua:134: attempt to index local 'panel' (a nil value)
======== Installing Table (De)Serialiser Module | ver: 1.4 ========
=== Loading EngineMod Menus ===
RunConsoleCommand blocked - sent before player spawned (sv_tags)
No instance of the Planetfall Data Record System has been detected, initializing.
No instance of the Planetfall Trace Bullet Library has been detected, initializing.
No instance of the Planetfall Usermessage Extensions Module has been detected, initializing.
======== Beam NetVars Lib v0.71 Installed ========
loading materials
loading material: cable/rope_icon
loading material: cable/cable2
loading material: cable/xbeam
loading material: cable/redlaser
loading material: cable/blue_elec
loading material: cable/physbeam
loading material: cable/hydra
loading material: arrowire/arrowire
loading material: arrowire/arrowire2
=== Loading Wire Model Packs ===
Loaded: PHXWireModels.txt
Loaded: Spacebuild Model Pack.txt
Loaded: cheeze_buttons2.txt
Loaded: wire_model_pack_1.txt
Loaded: wire_model_pack_1plus.txt
Loaded: default.txt
Loaded: expression2.txt
Adding Cheeze's Buttons Pack
Adding various Buttons from HL2 and Portal
Jaanus' Thruster Pack
Beer's Model pack
--- Missing Vgui material ignore_this_error
ERROR! Module 'zlib_b64' not found!
==== Advanced Duplicator v.1.72 shared module installed! ====
==== Advanced Duplicator v.1.741 client module installed! ====
autorun/client/joystickreorder.lua:5: attempt to index local 'a' (a nil value)
Registering gamemode 'sandbox' derived from 'base'
Registering gamemode 'sandbox' derived from 'base'
Registering gamemode 'sandbox' derived from 'base'
Registering gamemode 'sandbox' derived from 'base'
Registering gamemode 'Flood' derived from 'sandbox'
weapons\gmod_tool\stools/wire_touchplate.lua:1: attempt to index global 'WireToolSetup' (a nil value)
Loading Wire Tools
--- Missing Vgui material texturemissing
Error: Material "models/spawn_effect" : proxy "TextureScroll" unable to initialize!
Error: Material "models/spawn_effect" : proxy "TextureScroll" unable to initialize!
Error: Material "models/spawn_effect" : proxy "TextureScroll" unable to initialize!
ASS Plugin -> plugins/ass_afkkicker.lua
ASS Plugin -> plugins/ass_cleardecals.lua
ASS Plugin -> plugins/ass_exformat.lua
ASS Plugin -> plugins/ass_explode.lua
ASS Plugin -> plugins/ass_kill.lua
ASS Plugin -> plugins/ass_map.lua
ASS Plugin -> plugins/ass_maprotation.lua
ASS Plugin -> plugins/ass_noclip.lua
ASS Plugin -> plugins/ass_notice.lua
ASS Plugin -> plugins/ass_pickupplayers.lua
ASS Plugin -> plugins/ass_rocket.lua
ASS Plugin -> plugins/ass_slap.lua
ASS Plugin -> plugins/ass_teleport.lua
ASS Plugin -> plugins/ass_voicemute.lua
AssVote Init
ASS Plugin -> plugins/ass_vote.lua
Loading achievements...
KeyValues Error: RecursiveLoadFromBuffer: got EOF instead of keyname in file settings/spawnlist/[organicbridge]cockpits, medium.txt
SpawnMenu, (*Entries*),
KeyValues Error: RecursiveLoadFromBuffer: got EOF instead of keyname in file settings/spawnlist/[organicbridge]engines, medium.txt
SpawnMenu, (*Entries*),
KeyValues Error: RecursiveLoadFromBuffer: got EOF instead of keyname in file settings/spawnlist/[organicbridge]external corridors, medium.txt
SpawnMenu, (*Entries*),
KeyValues Error: RecursiveLoadFromBuffer: got EOF instead of keyname in file settings/spawnlist/[organicbridge]extras.txt
SpawnMenu, (*Entries*),
ERROR: Trying to derive entity airlock from non existant entity base_rd3_entity!
ERROR: Trying to derive entity base_default_res_module from non existant entity base_rd3_entity!
ERROR: Trying to derive entity base_weapons_module from non existant entity base_rd_entity!
ERROR: Trying to derive entity base_livable_module from non existant entity base_sb_environment!
Sending 1108 'User Info' ConVars to server (cl_spewuserinfoconvars to see)
Player velts40 has joined the game
Error: Trying to network (receive) unacceptable type (nil)Disconnect: Buffer overflow in net message.
Host_EndGame: Buffer overflow in net message
Saving achievements...
] retry
Commencing connection retry to
Connecting to
Connecting to
Connected to
Map: fm_bigtank_v1
Players: 6 / 16
Build: 3943
Server Number: 2
No pure server whitelist. sv_pure = 0
Lua initialized (Lua 5.1)
Simple Prop Protection Version 1.51 by Spacetech has loaded
Warning: vgui.Create failed to create the VGUI component (DFrame)
includes/extensions/vgui_sciptedpanels.lua:134: attempt to index local 'panel' (a nil value)
======== Installing Table (De)Serialiser Module | ver: 1.4 ========
=== Loading EngineMod Menus ===
RunConsoleCommand blocked - sent before player spawned (sv_tags)
No instance of the Planetfall Data Record System has been detected, initializing.
No instance of the Planetfall Trace Bullet Library has been detected, initializing.
No instance of the Planetfall Usermessage Extensions Module has been detected, initializing.
======== Beam NetVars Lib v0.71 Installed ========
loading materials
loading material: cable/rope_icon
loading material: cable/cable2
loading material: cable/xbeam
loading material: cable/redlaser
loading material: cable/blue_elec
loading material: cable/physbeam
loading material: cable/hydra
loading material: arrowire/arrowire
loading material: arrowire/arrowire2
=== Loading Wire Model Packs ===
Loaded: PHXWireModels.txt
Loaded: Spacebuild Model Pack.txt
Loaded: cheeze_buttons2.txt
Loaded: wire_model_pack_1.txt
Loaded: wire_model_pack_1plus.txt
Loaded: default.txt
Loaded: expression2.txt
Adding Cheeze's Buttons Pack
Adding various Buttons from HL2 and Portal
Jaanus' Thruster Pack
Beer's Model pack
--- Missing Vgui material ignore_this_error
ERROR! Module 'zlib_b64' not found!
==== Advanced Duplicator v.1.72 shared module installed! ====
==== Advanced Duplicator v.1.741 client module installed! ====
autorun/client/joystickreorder.lua:5: attempt to index local 'a' (a nil value)
Registering gamemode 'sandbox' derived from 'base'
Registering gamemode 'sandbox' derived from 'base'
Registering gamemode 'sandbox' derived from 'base'
Registering gamemode 'sandbox' derived from 'base'
Registering gamemode 'Flood' derived from 'sandbox'
weapons\gmod_tool\stools/wire_touchplate.lua:1: attempt to index global 'WireToolSetup' (a nil value)
Loading Wire Tools
--- Missing Vgui material texturemissing
Error: Material "models/spawn_effect" : proxy "TextureScroll" unable to initialize!
Error: Material "models/spawn_effect" : proxy "TextureScroll" unable to initialize!
ASS Plugin -> plugins/ass_afkkicker.lua
ASS Plugin -> plugins/ass_cleardecals.lua
ASS Plugin -> plugins/ass_exformat.lua
ASS Plugin -> plugins/ass_explode.lua
ASS Plugin -> plugins/ass_kill.lua
ASS Plugin -> plugins/ass_map.lua
ASS Plugin -> plugins/ass_maprotation.lua
ASS Plugin -> plugins/ass_noclip.lua
ASS Plugin -> plugins/ass_notice.lua
ASS Plugin -> plugins/ass_pickupplayers.lua
ASS Plugin -> plugins/ass_rocket.lua
ASS Plugin -> plugins/ass_slap.lua
ASS Plugin -> plugins/ass_teleport.lua
ASS Plugin -> plugins/ass_voicemute.lua
AssVote Init
ASS Plugin -> plugins/ass_vote.lua
Loading achievements...
KeyValues Error: RecursiveLoadFromBuffer: got EOF instead of keyname in file settings/spawnlist/[organicbridge]cockpits, medium.txt
SpawnMenu, (*Entries*),
KeyValues Error: RecursiveLoadFromBuffer: got EOF instead of keyname in file settings/spawnlist/[organicbridge]engines, medium.txt
SpawnMenu, (*Entries*),
KeyValues Error: RecursiveLoadFromBuffer: got EOF instead of keyname in file settings/spawnlist/[organicbridge]external corridors, medium.txt
SpawnMenu, (*Entries*),
KeyValues Error: RecursiveLoadFromBuffer: got EOF instead of keyname in file settings/spawnlist/[organicbridge]extras.txt
SpawnMenu, (*Entries*),
ERROR: Trying to derive entity airlock from non existant entity base_rd3_entity!
ERROR: Trying to derive entity base_default_res_module from non existant entity base_rd3_entity!
ERROR: Trying to derive entity base_weapons_module from non existant entity base_rd_entity!
ERROR: Trying to derive entity base_livable_module from non existant entity base_sb_environment!
Sending 1108 'User Info' ConVars to server (cl_spewuserinfoconvars to see)
Player PuShKiS has joined the game
Using joystick 'Xbox360 controller' configuration
JOY_AXIS_X: mapped to Side (absolute)
JOY_AXIS_Y: mapped to Forward (absolute)
JOY_AXIS_Z: unmapped
JOY_AXIS_R: mapped to Look (absolute)
JOY_AXIS_U: mapped to Turn (absolute)
JOY_AXIS_V: unmapped
Advanced Joystick settings initialized
Redownloading all lightmaps
Finished! 61 achievements loaded!
Player diegozo22 left the game (Disconnect by user.)
diegozo22's props have been removed.
.:?NÐ`=- Magic ?: wtf
.:?NÐ`=- Magic ?: wow rly wtf
] status
hostname: .:`=-~rANdOm~`-=:. -Flood|Tick100|Fast DL-
version : 3943 secure
udp/ip :
map : fm_bigtank_v1 at: 0 x, 0 y, 0 z
players : 4 (16 max)
# userid name uniqueid connected ping loss state
# 33 "deslove" STEAM_0:0:29686430 13:19 133 0 active
# 36 "C.R.A.S.H" STEAM_0:1:18734419 08:12 289 0 active
# 42 ".:?NÐ`=- Magic ?" STEAM_0:1:26723996 01:38 214 0 active
# 41 "velts40" STEAM_0:1:22468590 01:41 585 0 active
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.:?NÐ`=- Magic ?: dude
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Wrote 'screenshots/fm_bigtank_v10035.jpg': 2.76 MB (1280x720) compresssed (quality 90) to 205.42 KB
Profile saved!
deslove: yeah
.:?NÐ`=- Magic ?: wtf
[SolidVote] Sorry you must be respected to use this function.
C.R.A.S.H's props have been removed.
Wrote 'screenshots/fm_bigtank_v10036.jpg': 2.76 MB (1280x720) compresssed (quality 90) to 196.97 KB
Wrote 'screenshots/fm_bigtank_v10037.jpg': 2.76 MB (1280x720) compresssed (quality 90) to 197.02 KB
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Wrote 'screenshots/fm_bigtank_v10050.jpg': 2.76 MB (1280x720) compresssed (quality 90) to 147.52 KB
Wrote 'screenshots/fm_bigtank_v10051.jpg': 2.76 MB (1280x720) compresssed (quality 90) to 148.74 KB
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Wrote 'screenshots/fm_bigtank_v10054.jpg': 2.76 MB (1280x720) compresssed (quality 90) to 156.34 KB
Saving achievements...

if screenies fail, go