Hello My Name Is Marco, I'm 14 and I play gmod ALOT!!! I like to experament with the wiretool. I love to create sky-building's, Boats, Sign's, Tutorials, and more!
My Name:Marco Country:USA! (California) Games:Gmod, HALOCE, MW2
Steam Name: |3acÔn|3oy Time: 15:00 to 21:00 PST
The reason I wish to be respected is because:
1. I want to be a part of the community to stop people from doing bad things like: Prop Pushing, Spamming Trails, Etc.
2. I play flood daily... and i always seem to run into bad people, And want to take control.
3. Help respect's and Admins.
4. Help people that are on low cash, and show them how good respects are.
Going Legit!! Same name 
Thank you for taking your time to read my application and please don`t forget to vote .