Tech Lounge > Mapping
Remaking old maps!
--- Quote from: ~Magic on January 01, 2010, 01:24:25 PM ---what is HDR lolololololol
--- End quote ---
--- Quote from: Frank95.- on January 01, 2010, 01:21:55 PM ---High dynamic range
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
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High dynamic range (or HDR for short) is a term generally used for media applications such as digital imaging and digital audio production. It is a feature that is capable of producing a much higher dynamic range than is widely available at the moment.
Applications in digital imaging:
* High dynamic range imaging (HDRI), the compositing of images or videos to extend the dynamic range beyond the native capability of the capturing device
* High dynamic range rendering (HDRR), the real-time rendering of virtual environments using a dynamic range of 65535:1 or higher (used in computer technology)
Applications in digital audio production
* XDR (eXtended Dynamic Range): Used to provide higher quality audio when using microphone sound systems or recording into tape cassettes.
* HDR Audio: a dynamic mixing technique used in EA Digital Illusions CE Frostbite Engine to allow relatively louder sounds to drown out softer sounds
Thanks wikipedia for existing!
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» Magic «:
i meant like "what is hdr" laugh out loud xD
* Tomcat cries cuz magik is being a bongsmoker
» Magic «:
* ~Magic is crying because he dont know what bongsmoker is
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