Tech Lounge > Mapping

Remaking old maps!

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* Frank95.- is crying because people fails at knowledge


--- Quote from: ~Magic on January 02, 2010, 04:08:18 AM ---* ~Magic is crying because he dont know what bongsmoker is
--- End quote ---

Lolwhut seriously? XD

» Magic «:
im not american dudes im british ???


--- Quote from: ~Magic on January 02, 2010, 10:49:18 AM ---im not american dudes im british ???

--- End quote ---

I know. When I try to votekick a Russian and there's a pack of them and they all vote no, right after they all go "FUCK AMERICA FUCK AMERICA". I'm just like... Well okay good for you I'm glad I'm Canadian lul.

remake gm_construct too please... add interesting lightning and new secret shit xD


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