Hello guys, i am apply to become a admin on RND servers, i feel i should get admin because i have used it before on many other servers including my own. I have been playing GMOD for over 1 year and flood for around the same time. I think i am liked on the servers and im not a total dick like some others, i like to have a laugh with the guests and not be too serious about the game although i still be serious when people are being minges. I am currently VIP on your servers. I feel i would be the person to get rules back to 1st class standard, as most rules are ignored. Many money rounds are played and i want to put a stop to them to keep the game going and guests enjoy the game.
About meMy Name:Lee Speakman
My Age:14 years old
Favorite Games:1.Garrys Mod
2.Counter Strike:Source
Thing's I Like To Do.
•Get new shitt

Play games
Have a laugh with mates
Do some coding and gamemode editing
Gaming Console's I Have.
•Playstation 3
•Ipod Touch 3rd gen (Will have in seven days

•My computer
Favorite Server
FLOOD of course, the best gamemode i could think of, even though RP is quite good, just not as good
Why You Should Pick Me For Admin.Because i enjoy helping people out and making the server a happy place, i think i will also be a great value to the team because i like to have a laugh with ppl and get on with sorting people out on the server when being minges. I always warn though as i feel it is unfair not to warn people. I also have a large amount of admin experience on my own server and on a CSS server, if you are using ASSmod or the FloodADMIN i have lots of experience in both of those....

Please vote me and i will show you that i am a great value to the server and RND
Hope You Liked Please Rate For Me Being Admin...
Point rating system (if you don't already know)
1= YES!!!
0= Im Not Interested...