....its not the same anymore.
rounds last 30 seconds because of people just ramboing boats cuz weapons are so powerful. :'(
if that doesnt happen crazy foreigners just money round.
we need our programmers ruben and minic to fix up the server in terms of adding higher hp props that float and adjusting the power of certain weapons.
the mp5's damage should go from 7 to 4.
yes it will make people angry but it will improve the server.
a shotgun would be nice too 25 damage 50 bullets
don't forget a sniper 40 damage 10 bullets
and fix up the para for the price it fails more than my grandmother's cooking
grenades are bugged. they don't do 200 damage. they only do the burning damage which is about 15. They onyl so the 200 dmg sometimes. and its once in a blue moon