Name: Edward.
Age: 15
Country: UK
Reasons:i wanz 2 b admiz coz i wan7 70 sh0w off to people that i can b admizz and also for the lulz.
Lua/C++: i only know like %2 of it........
Visual Basic: Ermm...i just made some programmes with it. So i am not really experience with it yet.
Mapping ? I don't have Source SDK.
Now, i think the flood is full of mingers. Like...IDK. 95% of them are mingerz.
I don't like them.
I also have my own server so I know what to do and stuff.
Please invite meh to your steam group.
Steam ID : The_Dead_Pixel
steam ID
# 237 ".:?NÐ`=-CommanderEddy" STEAM_0:0:24745811 00:43 275 0 active