iPod Touch latest model not some second hand shiz
So when did you purchase your ipod touch?Edit:
Click Here For teh Jailbreak Hax . Click the "blackweather" (The first link in the search).
Now... Download it and run it. Now you will see a rectangular gray box that has a button that says "Make it ra1n" (WARNING: EVERYTIME YOU WANT TO RESTART YOUR IPOD TOUCH YOU HAVE TO DO THIS OVER AGAIN... you don't loose data. it just forces the kernal to boot which is called "Tethard Jailbreak". Now why this is needed is cause that the ipod touch it self does a sort of check for this kind of thing. but anyways) Now on your ipod touch you will see it raining with a man and iphones floating arround him... but after that is done and the touch boots your going to see a black rain drop icon on your ipod touch. Touch that and you will see two button's. Cydia and Rock... (I perfer them both) Click which one you want and a check will appear. After you made everything looking like its supposed to be. Click "install" at the top right corner... you ipod will then Respring the spring board and you will see cydia and rock sitting on your touch like happy jailbroken friends
Note: This is not illegal. Only if you download pirated app's AkA "Cracked Apps"
Google is your friend. Go look it up