Hi my name is pimpnpain727. my name in game is also pimpnpain727.
steam ID: pimpnpain727
I have been playing the .:`=-~rANdOm~`-=:. servers for a while now and they are really fun and addicting.
I am usually playing from 3:30 P.M. to 8:30 P.M. (pacific time)
I am 15 years old and i really like to play Garry's mod. Also i play zombie survival a lot so u should see me on a lot.
I would like to be respected to stop hackers and minge bags. I really like to play the zombie survival and flood servers too.
I am also really good at wire mod too.
I live in Athol, Idaho.
Btw i think minge bags are fags.

If you need to contact me my email is pimpnpain@yahoo.com