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GunZ Online!
I playd xD lol got tired of hackers and well.. I HACKED BACK FUCKERS!
--- Quote from: Mingebagger on December 18, 2009, 01:15:43 PM ---I playd xD lol got tired of hackers and well.. I HACKED BACK FUCKERS!
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So did I, and I hacked back too. Made alot of my own hacks! ;D
--- Quote from: Maverick on December 15, 2009, 03:14:17 AM ---
--- Quote from: CommanderEddy on December 15, 2009, 12:40:14 AM ---Gunz look retarded imo coz all i see iz pe0pl3 jumping and pooping and sw0rd1ng and sh007ing and jumpingx9001(IZE 0V3R 9000) adn it mak3z m4h penih brainz go b00mz so me n33dz 70 do s0m3thing crazy ! ! ! BLAHHHHHHH
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Yes, what he said. 8)
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WHAT ! !
Well.. eurogunz is better than ijji one xd
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