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GunZ Online!
I don't know if anyone has heard of the game, however it is really fun in my opinion. If anyone would like to team up and play it would be nice. I'm level 66, with like 7 or 8 sets.
On the other hand I'm kind of hopeing to sell this account on gunz for Fallout 3. You see I spent around $50.00 in sets in the game. All sets are unlimited. I would never rip anyone off. :)
Yeah I used to play GunZ Online, but I stopped playing. I had like a level 50 something, but I forgot the password to it. My name on their was SW0RDN00B.
Gunz look retarded imo coz all i see iz pe0pl3 jumping and pooping and sw0rd1ng and sh007ing and jumpingx9001(IZE 0V3R 9000) adn it mak3z m4h penih brainz go b00mz so me n33dz 70 do s0m3thing crazy ! ! ! BLAHHHHHHH
--- Quote from: CommanderEddy on December 15, 2009, 12:40:14 AM ---Gunz look retarded imo coz all i see iz pe0pl3 jumping and pooping and sw0rd1ng and sh007ing and jumpingx9001(IZE 0V3R 9000) adn it mak3z m4h penih brainz go b00mz so me n33dz 70 do s0m3thing crazy ! ! ! BLAHHHHHHH
--- End quote ---
Yes, what he said. 8)
I play. But I try my best to stay below level 35 so I can play with low levels.
My character is currently level 34, downleveled a few times :D.
My ingame name is wsquare.
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