[SolidVote] Dollar Two Ninety Eight initiated vote 'Ban player Darky for 60 minutes?'
Cr1ms0n: get off the damn door
Darky: Like i care
[SolidVote] Darky voted no.
[SolidVote] Coke voted yes.
[SolidVote] genpayne voted yes.
[SolidVote] Hollowpoint voted yes.
[SolidVote] DarkChorus63 voted no.
Darky: Yes
[SolidVote] birkbjorn voted yes.
Darky: Yes
Darky: Go ahead
[SolidVote] Cr1ms0n voted yes.
[SolidVote] drakonus45(RUS) voted yes.
Darky: Go ahead
Darky: Go ahead
Darky: Mothafuckas
Dollar Two Ninety Eight: for glitching door
Darky: Lol?
Darky: Fuck off
Darky: 298 Shits
Disconnect: Kicked by Console : Banned by vote for 60 minutes..
Disconnect: Kicked by Console : Banned by vote for 60 minutes..
Saving achievements...
Banned by server
Banned by server
Banned by server
Banned by server
Banned by server
Banned by server
I really hate that son of a bitch oh and i didn't say like i care to crimson i was not talking to him i was talking to the bitch named dollar two ninety eight i didn't copy the whole thing because i thought it would be too long and this gay fucker named genpayne i really want him gone.. They said i was glitching door but i had no idea how i was actually glitching it i was just standing on the door and i have done that many times and then there 298 bitch votes to ban me and they all voted yes and when i was about to be banned he says "for glitching door" then i got banned
And what the fuck how am i glitching the door by standing up the door anyway?