Hey guys, my name is philliam, I usually go on steam by the name [AxO]Philliam. Some of you guys may have seen me play before.
Pretty much the only game I play on my computer is Garrysmod, and the only gamemode type I play is ZS. I really like the random ZS server, it has good people on it that add to the experience, not subtract from it. I haven't really been part of a community before so this is my first time, I hope I can contribute and not make a nuisance of myself

My main interest is programming. I program a bunch of different languages, the main one being lua because I can apply it to the other thing I love to do (playing Gmod), and also C++ because I make modules to do stuff that lua can't do by itself. I also program some python and ruby (python > ruby, eat it), along with the internet languages like HTML, Javascript, and the like. I like the ZS server a lot and would love to contribute my time and knowledge to help the server whenever anyone would have me. I have been part of running servers before and so I know a little about such things.
If any of you guys would like to contact me I will probably be playing ZS or reading the forums, I will get any private messages almost immediately so that's probably the best way

or you would email me on my email, axoONEPERIODphilliamATSIGNgmailONEPERIOD.com . I would like to get respected one day, but I'm not sure what that takes so I'll just play and wait for someone to refer me.
Sorry this isn't longer, I couldn't think of anything else. And now, I'm off to memorize how to spell .:`=~rANdOm~`-=:.

EDIT: Ok, maybe the first thing I could do is make the melee weapons not use traces XD That really bugs me.