* Game name: Thunder
* About myself: I love to play computer games mostly Garry's mod and counter strike source but
in my time off my computer i love to read books such as The Tomorrow Series, The Dead Of The Night by John
Marsden. I also can't wait for the movie of it to come out in 2010

! I love to play in the rounders team
at my school. I also love playing soccer in my free time at school trying to do scissor kicks and failing
and snapping my neck. On weekends I like to watch rove on Sunday (sadly rove has ended

) and play table tennis with my brother.
I'm 5 years ahead of my year level in maths and 4 years ahead of my year level in spelling and 3 years
ahead in everything else except stupid grammar which I'm only 2 years ahead in. I turned 13 a few days ago as well and I
fractured my wrist couple of days ago too hurray me!
* Main server I play on: The main server I play on is Flood and I play it at least a few hours a day
even with school because I love it. I also play it even when I'm the only one on.
* Why I think I should be a Respected: I think I should be Respected because:
I try to make people like the community. I do admit that I need to calm down a bit when I get angry.
I try to sort out people's problems but hardly anyone listens to me. I also feel that people will have
more fun if I could look after them from minges etc. Also I swear that I will not abuse my powers
and I will obey all members even ones that have lower privileges and I will be loyal to the community.

Sincerely Thunder.