It doesn't shoot 2 shots at a time.
Accuracy: that of the peashooter.
Ammo: 20
Damage: 10
Walkspeed: 200
Ammo: Smg.
Description: Light wait, fair damage, good accuracy, but with a small clip it would take at most an entire clip to kill one zombie, but that is what makes it easy to use. This weapon would be bassicaly an automatic "peashooter" handgun but instead you earn it. It would be very effective agianst fast zombies.
This weapon would be a great addition to the 15 kills category, since we can all agree that the same old weapons get boring

so, the owens tmp would give people something new to look forward too. The accuracy of it and the damage are very usefule. but because of overheating problems, the creaters of this fabulus gun could only make it with only a 20 round clip.
I believe, and mabey others too, a new weapon would be awesome

PS: Ill make it for you, the only thing I can't do is the ironsights. Also, I put the wrong name in I meant "Night Assasin" tmp, not owens, i was thinking of the owens handgun for somereason.