Hello, My name is Mr.Franklin, i am introducing my self, and also applying for respected.
Name: Mr.Franklin

SteamID: KingX05
MyFriends: Alot of people in the Wire and Flood servers are good friends, And the most friends i have is on the Zombie server.

Favorite Subjects: Calculus, Science.
Age: 37

Birthday: 3/29/1972
Education: All of Highschool, 4 year Degree in Engineering.
Games: Garry's Mod and GTA San Andreas Multiplayer, Kuma War, Combat Arms, StrongHold Lengends, Zoo Tycoon,18 Wheels of Steel, And COD: Modern Warefare 2.

Location: South Carolina, United States
Contacts: Yahoo: Sandlot55@Yahoo.com, MSN: Sandlot55@Yahoo.com, Xfire: KingX05
Their are many reasons why i would love to be a respected, for one, on the flood server if someone has a money round, i can kick someone for having a money round, but of course warn them first, and on the Zombie Server their might be someone Haxing and a respected can just kick them. Alot of people love me, And i brought Rain22 and Duck into Joining Garry'sMod. Duck and me and rain22 play on Lsrcr, a Server on SA-MP, and we talk with eachother on TeamSpeak.