Hey guys, im B3NW, My name origins from my xbox live gamertag, which is exactly the same (Original much?) & That originates from my name, Ben (I will save you the catholic ending

) and the initial of my surname. So yeah, original all the way!
I did play on flood server a lot but im banned from that now (I didnt do nethin bad, TRUST!

) But not I play on the freespace build.
If im not on my xbox I can be on around anytime from 6:00 PM GMT - 10:00 PM GMT, Weekends pretty much anytime of the day ill be like "HAI IM LINZEY LOHAN!.
I only play GMOD because im too cheap to buy any other game, thinking about it, I didnt even buy GMOD

Yeah I found my steam ID. Its my newly aquired skill of finding steam ID's ahuh ;p "B3NW" STEAM_0:0:15622786 10:51 235 0 active
Yeah I wouldnt blame you if you didnt understand that either.
Im 15 M UK. & I want to learn expression coding because that will help on my way to my ultimate goal of being a game designer

Umm ill see you guys around, and I think I gotta say why I want to be respected or summin here right?
I would like to be respected so I can use the stacker and dupe tool. I wanna use the stacker tool to make my ultimate wire lift without having to stare straight down and spawning loads so their aligned
