Ya this is mah post for adminship or priveledges

Age: 13
How long playing gmod: probably almost 3 years

Location: USA, Minnesota
Knowledge: A medium bit of lua (50-60%), 2% of c#, 30% of expression, and 80% building

I like to ride mah skateboard to places, $300
I haz an electric guitar, $200.
School: I go to middle school.

I'm tough on people sometimes, RND people i respect.
If you're not wearing the tag, i less respect you than the rnd users :p
I play on: 20% Flood, 20% Zombie Survival, 60% Wire Build, and 10% RP and Sledbuild.
I create many holos, vehicles, and weps

I play almost everyday.
I play alot of music for people to enjoy
Mah fav adminz: minic, moo, rooben/ruben, and savagepimp.
"Failure is not an answer." - My new motto made by my favorite relative.
I respect most users.
People i like: tomcat, benw, pieguy,xstatic,and much more i havent forgotten.
People that i dont like

...: sabbathfreak911, travis, and some others (probably 2 or 3 more.)
Nov 16 is my birthday.
I like football

I'm very happy i finally posted my application for admin.
I hope you accept, and i will accept you all back.