hey guys I'm Sebol PL i have 16 age.I from Europa (Poland) My english is bad so short.

My real name : Sebastian
This my steam
http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198008686401And this my
http://steamcommunity.com/groups/EcoServPoland steam old clan grup.
Xfire profil
http://www.xfire.com/screenshots/sebsax/ and full game list and my screenshots ;p from gmod and my gams.
Aiem old owner server EcoServPoland (server rp in gmod) and 2x admin in cs 1.6
I've been playing gmod for a two year.
My two frend create map for gmod and mods in lua file.
I have xbox 360 and this my list game ... damn I like all game type rpg , action , etc. And i have very good comp so mebaye i no create my all game list !.
I fnished of course oreng box.
I have rly big skil in c.s 1.6 and cod 4 but i rly like server "random" no for skill player, for joke and nice funny servers.

And rly sorry for my bad english and thx for reading this ;p.