« on: March 11, 2010, 03:41:32 PM »
I request that for me to be respected. Becuase I love!! This server sooo much, I love it BETTER than the NoXious Net Server. I will follow all of your instructions, I promise to never disobey your server laws and to always watch out for others who break your rules. I will try my best, to keep them out of your server, to have a well good community for your server! I would love to be respected, to basically help out your community. My very first friend DeviantFemale, is respected also. And I'm like "cool! I should be one!" And I hope I will! Also, IF I become respected, I will try my best to keep outsiders who try ruin the gaming community and fun for the server. Because the server is made for fun, not for cheaters! Well I hope you accept my request!
PS : My real player name is Lordi, just in case for you to know! It is NOT my steam name, but my in-game name. If you need my steam name, just notify me. Also, lol, I forgot you even had a forum D:! But hope you accept my request!
Name : Lordi (IN - Game Name)
Games Recently Played on Server : Zombie Survival (My best reccomendation that I like the best!)
Official Servers Played - NoXious Net Server (3-4 Times played) Random Server (Played Most times, between 20 and over possibly, Main priority server I have used.)
I usually play arround 4:00 P.M - 8:00 P.M., Weekends 8:00 A.M. - Noon or 8:30 P.M.
I am good at math, and other activities, but mostly I enjoy thisgame server the best. I have Garry's Mod, CS:S, and Half Life 2