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Topics - UnidentifiedFlyingTard

Pages: [1]
Boneyard / Moo is a minge
« on: June 14, 2010, 01:21:18 AM »
so I was fucking around with the advanced dups and I found the drunken combine, which I didn't think it would annoy anybody, then Moo starts fucking with it, he tells me to play with it elsewhere, so I get rid of it, then I get kicked, whatever, I rejoin and start making something else, looked was Moo was AFK, made an emiter and a button, tested it out, then this happened.

To think I use to like Moo, and I did nothing to annoy him intentionally, hell I even tried to talk to him on Steam about this, but like bitch he ignored me.

I usually don't get pissed off at this sort of thing, but this was extremely random.

Approved Respected Apps / They call me...Tard.
« on: March 30, 2010, 09:17:02 PM »
I hate intro's, but why not  8)


Real Name
Kyle Monroe

Name Origin
It comes from a movie I made called UFO, at one point you see a rocket flying through the air, a friend of mine said it was an Unidentified Flying Tard, and ta da.

I had friends, but they all moved away, now its just me and my cat :(


June 13th 1990

Corvallis, Oregon, USA

I dropped out for reasons I would rather not go into, but if you REALLY must know then PM me.

Anything with thrusters

Fallout 1, Left 4 Dead, Pyschonauts, Gmod, Postal 2, STALKER Shadow of Chernobyl, Killing Floor, Twisted Metal, Team Fortress 2, Half Life, Half Life 2.

I am currently making my own video game that is in the same style of Fallout 1, but fully with real time combat, so far I'm working on a tech demo, but progress is slow, when I'm not doing that I am writing a feature length script and writing music, I like to keep myself busy.

Number 1 Hated Thing

Contact Info
AIM: Kyle Omni
Steam: UnidentifiedFlyingTard

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