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Messages - hkill415

Pages: 1 ... 19 [20] 21 ... 46
Approved Respected Apps / Re: Respected Application =P
« on: April 18, 2010, 11:26:28 AM »
i do reccomend you i think u would be a great respected
ps:stop prop killing or i kill u

Approved Respected Apps / Re: Can i be respected?
« on: April 18, 2010, 11:24:36 AM »
he dident say he hated russia

Approved Respected Apps / Re: Can i be respected?
« on: April 18, 2010, 11:24:10 AM »
orly? Last I heard, rdming wasn't against the rules... People do it all the time. I try keeping it at a minimum, and people accuse me for rdming even when I have a reason for killing someone.

Also, I only ask for ban on people in flood who money round, prop push, prop spam, or act like douches. I don't break rules.
lol u can ban for rdm
rdming to much is against the rules which u do because everytime i go to TTT everyone (when u werent respected)would say can u ban this rdming minge

Approved Respected Apps / Re: Can i be respected?
« on: April 18, 2010, 11:13:33 AM »
He minges a lot with Trails and Ropes, doesn't jump and permanently says that he will ban everyone for the stupidest reasons. Please don't give us another Minge Respected.
i do trust u and deviant never seen him before seems's like he is a minge

DUDE, FUCK YOU. You broke the rules in flood AND in TTT.,2859.0.html

A post with a chat log, demo, description, AND witnesses that saw you breaking the rules.

You don't have my recommendation, and I don't welcome you to the forums.
u lol ur a epic minge 2 just about everyone hates u in TTT because u rdm u say u will ban for something so retarded it will make god's head blow up
so u should just srfu

Boneyard / Re: Anony Mouse's prop pushing
« on: April 18, 2010, 11:06:18 AM »
1: i dont like annoy mouse (off topic)
2: he is gay (off topic)
3: i think he should go eat a dick (off topic)
4:he's a epic minge (off topic)
5: you dont have proof (on topic)

General / Re: Request a file from Here
« on: April 17, 2010, 05:52:04 PM »
A please would be cool, you know.
thank you and next time ill say please

And South American. Fuck Me Im A Dipshit

General Chat / Re: Complete list of People I hate
« on: April 17, 2010, 02:42:58 PM »
Hot Doggg! I'm # 13 !  ;D

I must be doing something right if I'm above Satan, and close to jet-boom.

I personally would not want an admin that would ban me for a reason that I couldnt undestand

Disconnect: Kicked by Console: "u hear by railroad"
Disconnect: Kicked by Console: "u hear by railroad"


People that say we need a japanese admin, we really don't. It could cause more confusion that actually good. Not a lot of japanese people even play on RND. Its more Russians.
yes we do not need a JP admin because most of the population is Russian And Ameracian
i vote -1 because i just dont like you
and i think u would become a epic minge
"ohh look someone is spamming pew pew ima perm ban them"
you would probally perm ban people for a small reason like getting u angrey
if u were a admin i think you would perm ban more people in one day than ruben has since he was in rnd

well i really don't give warnings normally ill just say gtfo then kick them

Help/Requests / Re: Port Forwarding Help
« on: April 17, 2010, 06:55:02 AM »
hmm nothing here works i reset my router didn't work i tryed to do it on the main computer didn't work

ps:is it a problem that the DHCP server has the same address as the gateway

Help/Requests / Re: CS_Assault (TTT server)
« on: April 17, 2010, 06:47:10 AM »
Its not fair, its a map exploit as i said before what if it was a traitor, or an innocent sitting there waiting the round out. It is annoying...
u are right about that but most people can get up there

Yeah. And Frank is now a rainbow pussy.

Community Admin Apps / Re: RyFerret's Admin Application!
« on: April 16, 2010, 09:10:49 PM »
sry dude -1

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