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Messages - Physik

Pages: 1 [2] 3 ... 7
General Chat / Aiddiction...
« on: June 21, 2010, 01:29:17 AM »

I'm addicted to these games, they're fun as FUCK!
:D You guys should play them,

I've been staying up almost every night playing these games.
(The girls are hot)

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General Chat / Re: Baby pram rolls into traintracks
« on: June 20, 2010, 09:56:57 PM »
She was looking straight at her baby while she pulls her wannabe skinny-jeans....


General / Re: Worlds best PC Cooling system
« on: June 19, 2010, 12:15:36 AM »
i haz nvidia 9100 geforce.
8100 mhz

General Chat / My first kiss.
« on: June 18, 2010, 11:13:06 PM »
My first kiss was a man

on accident, don't say I'm gay :|

Like the most common accident, I turned around and blegh.

What was your first kiss?

Boneyard / Re: Reporting StartedBullet
« on: June 18, 2010, 09:55:03 PM »
Frank, i had no idea it was you. All i saw was a guy rdming and talking like a complete asshole. Tell me this- what would you have done? You could have just mentioned that you werent a random rdming douche. Fine call it abuse if you want, but dude just think of yourself in a similar situation? I didnt realize you were a traitor even. And i have only kicked what two guys b4? one was a haxxer, i forgot the other.

Plus you cut out the whole of your minging from the screen, kinda gives a wrong impression.(asshole)


It didn't matter who it was, its just that you gotta make sure you do the right thing, next time do it correctly.

General Chat / Re: Metal Gear Solid: Rising
« on: June 18, 2010, 01:17:30 PM »
... it looks awesome cutting up everything, still, stealth is in the game.
new character looks cool, so i dont mind. i didnt really like snake anyways lawl.

General Chat / Re: Baby pram rolls into traintracks
« on: June 18, 2010, 01:24:55 AM »
When you're at a train station, make sure your baby cart has it's wheels locked in place.

Or, the train station needs to have surfaces that arent going into the rails....


General Chat / W00t!
« on: June 18, 2010, 01:15:29 AM »
I have enough to get either a:

Ipod Touch 64 GB

Ipad 16 GB + WiFi

MacBook 13 Inch

Ipod Nano 16 GB

Ipod Shuffle 4 GB

Filp Video Ultra HD


Please vote which I should get!

The ones I want the most are:

Ipod Touch 64 GB

PayPal 150 USD


Remember, I can get these with free shipping, no tax, and no cost.

General Chat / Re: Popular members date joined RND database
« on: June 18, 2010, 01:08:27 AM »
i was here way before tomcat became an admin, and when peetah was new.

Boneyard / Re: HUGE Flood Report
« on: June 05, 2010, 05:59:43 PM »
I was insulting because I just commented bobby about his voice, it sounds wierd.
then, stashhouse just comes in the solution out of nowhere saying "why do you have to be a faggot?"

anyway don, i didnt know you were faggot in disguise, but i respect you. so im just gonna let you go.
still, the other guys were causing trouble.
if he would like me off of his boat, he should've never insulted me anyways.

Boneyard / HUGE Flood Report
« on: June 05, 2010, 05:51:26 PM »
Description: I was getting on their boat, and they told me to get off without a valuable reason, so they prop-pushed me and prop blocked me.



After I got kicked:


Tom Fulp: votekick bobby the pirate
faggot in disguise: LOL
Tom Fulp: disabled..
faggot in disguise: YOU FAILED
] record minges
Recording to minges.dem...
RunConsoleCommand blocked - sent before player spawned (ZLib_Installed)
Tom Fulp: why?
faggot in disguise: tom, if you're on the boat when the round starts, bb :E
[SolidVote] Type votekick or voteban to initiate a vote kick or ban.
Tom Fulp: stop prop pushing
faggot in disguise: stop getting on his boat
Tom Fulp: why not
Tom Fulp: lolumad?
Profile saved!
faggot in disguise: btw stash, i'm don :O
Tom Fulp: you cant kick for that
] kill
faggot in disguise: yes you can.
faggot in disguise: let it go bobby
faggot in disguise: he's going to get kicked
[SolidVote] TAW_StashHouse initiated vote 'Kick player Tom Fulp?'
[SolidVote] TAW_StashHouse voted yes.
[SolidVote] bobby the pirate voted yes.
[SolidVote] Grandquilla voted yes.
faggot in disguise: FFFFFFFFFF-
Player whitesamurie45 has joined the game
[SolidVote] Tom Fulp voted no.
faggot in disguise: i was just about to
[SolidVote] faggot in disguise voted yes.
[SolidVote] =SF=TOPDOG21 voted yes.
[SolidVote] Nico killer voted no.
Completed demo, recording time 213.8, game frames 5869.
Tom Fulp: you guys are gonna get banned
Profile saved!
Tom Fulp: troollolo
faggot in disguise: i don't think so
Disconnect: Kicked by Console : Kicked by vote. You'll have to wait for 5 minutes..
Disconnect: Kicked by Console : Kicked by vote. You'll have to wait for 5 minutes..

Banned by server

Banned by server

Banned by server

Banned by server

] status
Connecting to
Connected to

Map: fm_bigtank_v1
Players: 9 / 16
Build: 3943
Server Number: 7

No pure server whitelist. sv_pure = 0
Failed, using default cubemap 'maps/fm_bigtank_v1/cubemapdefault'
Failed, using default cubemap 'maps/fm_bigtank_v1/cubemapdefault'
Failed, using default cubemap 'maps/fm_bigtank_v1/cubemapdefault'
Failed, using default cubemap 'maps/fm_bigtank_v1/cubemapdefault'
Failed, using default cubemap 'maps/fm_bigtank_v1/cubemapdefault'
Failed, using default cubemap 'maps/fm_bigtank_v1/cubemapdefault'
Not deleting directory cache/dua/ (directory is locked)
Decompressing data pack into virtual file system..
Data pack loaded: 395 files. (0.109s)
Lua initialized (Lua 5.1)
Simple Prop Protection Version 1.51 by Spacetech has loaded
======== Installing Table (De)Serialiser Module | ver: 1.4 ========
RunConsoleCommand blocked - sent before player spawned (sv_tags)
======== Beam NetVars Lib v0.71 Installed ========
--- Missing Vgui material ignore_this_error
loading materials
loading material: cable/rope_icon
loading material: cable/cable2
loading material: cable/xbeam
loading material: cable/redlaser
loading material: cable/blue_elec
loading material: cable/physbeam
loading material: cable/hydra
loading material: arrowire/arrowire
loading material: arrowire/arrowire2
=== Loading Wire Model Packs ===
   Loaded: PHXWireModels.txt
   Loaded: default.txt
   Loaded: expression2.txt
   Loaded: bull_buttons.txt
   Loaded: cheeze_buttons2.txt
   Loaded: wire_model_pack_1.txt
   Loaded: wire_model_pack_1plus.txt
   Adding Cheeze's Buttons Pack
   Adding various Buttons from HL2 and Portal
   Jaanus' Thruster Pack
   Beer's Model pack
ERROR! Module 'zlib_b64' not found!
==== Advanced Duplicator v.1.72 shared module installed! ====
==== Advanced Duplicator v.1.741 client module installed! ====
Registering gamemode 'sandbox' derived from 'base'
Registering gamemode 'sandbox' derived from 'base'
Registering gamemode 'sandbox' derived from 'base'
Registering gamemode 'sandbox' derived from 'base'
Registering gamemode 'Flood' derived from 'sandbox'
Loading Wire Tools
--- Missing Vgui material texturemissing
ASS Plugin -> plugins/ass_afkkicker.lua
ASS Plugin -> plugins/ass_cleardecals.lua
ASS Plugin -> plugins/ass_exformat.lua
ASS Plugin -> plugins/ass_explode.lua
ASS Plugin -> plugins/ass_kill.lua
ASS Plugin -> plugins/ass_map.lua
ASS Plugin -> plugins/ass_maprotation.lua
ASS Plugin -> plugins/ass_noclip.lua
ASS Plugin -> plugins/ass_notice.lua
ASS Plugin -> plugins/ass_pickupplayers.lua
ASS Plugin -> plugins/ass_rocket.lua
ASS Plugin -> plugins/ass_slap.lua
ASS Plugin -> plugins/ass_teleport.lua
ASS Plugin -> plugins/ass_voicemute.lua
AssVote Init

ASS Plugin -> plugins/ass_vote.lua
Sending 921 'User Info' ConVars to server (cl_spewuserinfoconvars to see)
Netchannel: failed reading message svc_UserMessage from
RunConsoleCommand blocked - sent before player spawned (ZLib_Installed)
Redownloading all lightmaps
] status
hostname: .:`=-~rANdOm~`-=:.  -Flood|Tick100|Fast DL-
version : 3943 secure 
udp/ip  :
map     : fm_bigtank_v1 at: 0 x, 0 y, 0 z
players : 9 (16 max)

# userid name uniqueid connected ping loss state
# 88 "=SF=TOPDOG21" STEAM_0:1:22676700 30:21 140 0 active
# 99 "Steel Pool is set up :D" STEAM_0:0:15520816 00:33 383 77 spawning
# 83 "bobby the pirate" STEAM_0:1:27338973 53:38 289 0 active
# 100 "Tom Fulp" STEAM_0:0:31084589 00:22 144 3 active
# 82 "jm42906" STEAM_0:1:33002292 56:40 157 0 active
# 92 "TAW_StashHouse" STEAM_0:1:16136531 24:44 66 0 active
# 95 "Nico killer" STEAM_0:1:26017979 12:40 264 0 active
# 94 "faggot in disguise" STEAM_0:0:31560529 18:07 222 0 active
# 97 "whitesamurie45" STEAM_0:1:31075649 07:34 106 0 active
Tom Fulp: i came to get your steam ids
Tom Fulp: so you can get banned
whitesamurie45: me?
Tom Fulp: anyone
whitesamurie45: i didnt
Tom Fulp: for prop pushing
Tom Fulp: and prop trapping
Tom Fulp: read the rules
|===Tables loaded successfully===|
whitesamurie45: i no prop push
Profile saved!
whitesamurie45: i cool
Tom Fulp: ..
] record minges2
Recording to minges2.dem...
RunConsoleCommand blocked - sent before player spawned (ZLib_Installed)
Tom Fulp: you gonna do it again?
whitesamurie45: i have copy of rules taped to my wall
[SolidVote] Type votekick or voteban to initiate a vote kick or ban.
whitesamurie45: stop boby
[SolidVote] TAW_StashHouse initiated vote 'Ban player Nico killer for 60 minutes?'
whitesamurie45: that was nico
[SolidVote] TAW_StashHouse voted yes.
[SolidVote] Tom Fulp voted yes.
[SolidVote] whitesamurie45 voted yes.
[SolidVote] bobby the pirate voted yes.
[SolidVote] Nico killer voted no.
[SolidVote] =SF=TOPDOG21 voted yes.
[SolidVote] jm42906 voted yes.
Nico killer: bitches
faggot in disguise: hey tom, how are you goin' to ban anyone? :3
whitesamurie45: bobbygo away
Player Nico killer left the game (Disconnect by user.)
Nico killer's props have been removed.
[SolidVote] Nico killer was banned for 60 minutes due to attempted evasion.
faggot in disguise: you were minging and got kicked for it. good luck with getting us banned for that. :3
Tom Fulp: how was i minging?
Tom Fulp: i wanted to get on the boat
faggot in disguise: and the owner didn't allow it.
Profile saved!
Tom Fulp: voteban bobby the pirate
faggot in disguise: lol ...
whitesamurie45: no
Tom Fulp: you're making me glitch
] kill
whitesamurie45: tom fulp go away
Welcome to .:`=-~rANdOm~`-=:.  -Flood|Tick100|Fast DL- !
To view rules and/or a list of our servers and affiliates, type !halp in chat!
faggot in disguise: your mic is epic ear rape
faggot in disguise: ohshi-
faggot in disguise: he's right
faggot in disguise: awshum
Tom Fulp: wut?
faggot in disguise: now everyone is invisible.
whitesamurie45: i made every one white like e
whitesamurie45: me*
faggot in disguise: you can also change the material of props
Nico killer's props have been cleaned up
Tom Fulp: wtf?
faggot in disguise: stop shooting the boat when you're on it.
Profile saved!
faggot in disguise: there was a baby LUL



# 88 "=SF=TOPDOG21" STEAM_0:1:22676700 35:39 142 0 active
# 83 "bobby the pirate" STEAM_0:1:27338973 58:56 288 0 active
# 92 "TAW_StashHouse" STEAM_0:1:16136531 30:02 68 0 active
# 94 "faggot in disguise" STEAM_0:0:31560529 23:26 223 6 active


Type of Punishment: A Ban or Whatever.

General Chat / A story I still remember...
« on: June 05, 2010, 03:43:45 PM »
When I was a little boy, (about 6 years old), I played counter-strike 1.6. It was like the best thing ever.

I sucked at it though, 1 kill and lots of deaths.
I was always being called a newbie, but I just pissed them off by giving comebacks.

I still remember 1, it was hilarious.
I don't think I can humor you by just typing it out :\.

But the effects were big, I won

General Chat / Parkour
« on: June 04, 2010, 04:09:31 PM »
Got banned for postin stupid money shitz kthx -coolz (7dayz)

Watch for awesome parkour

Can you do parkour?

Help/Requests / Re: CSS demo lag D:
« on: June 02, 2010, 07:21:25 PM »
hmmm... the flash was on the beat!

Help/Requests / Re: computer error
« on: June 02, 2010, 07:16:36 PM »
you see the arrow next to the link? click on it! ._.

Pages: 1 [2] 3 ... 7