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Messages - UberLord

Pages: 1 ... 33 [34] 35 ... 37
General Chat / Re: How to Insult Someone Without them Knowing.
« on: March 21, 2010, 08:18:06 AM »
This will be so useful!

Server Requests/Suggestions / Re: New Flood Mods?
« on: March 21, 2010, 08:11:43 AM »
For all the people that just read that, that, will take, a century.

I was talking to Ruben about a melon Deathmatch gamemode that could be made xDDD
I'd dl that any day xD
With that said, our attention has shifted to creating that type of gamemode from the ground up.
Ruben has been working very diligently to get it up and running for you guys to play on.
Do we get to keep all our money? ;D

Server Requests/Suggestions / Re: Jihad Bomb Remove Please!
« on: March 21, 2010, 08:08:23 AM »
Could replace the sound. Mebe a quick Rick roll :D?
Make the sound only audible by the person using it and make a rick roll hold out for 10 minutes, stop them in there tracks xD

Approved Respected Apps / Re: Bytecry's Respected Application
« on: March 21, 2010, 08:02:02 AM »
Good job, uber supports this app. HE listens to respecteds and nvr breaks the rules.

Boneyard / Re: Reporting .:RND`=-CG FTW
« on: March 21, 2010, 07:59:51 AM »
Wow, minges, Don is probably going to lay low in the community now and take RND off his name. One too many minges for him. But yeah, he kicked don for PLAYING THE GAME. I wasn't there but that's basicly it from what I can see....

Funny Stuffz / Re: EPIC WIN TIME !
« on: March 21, 2010, 07:56:00 AM »
I can make a B thing too

Music / Re: O HAI..... (Nerro -- Live Shitake.)
« on: March 20, 2010, 11:17:21 PM »

What happens if you drop the soap?

Music / Re: O HAI..... (Nerro -- Live Shitake.)
« on: March 20, 2010, 11:12:54 PM »
A world where you get shot if you listen to rap.
A world where.. eh..
there's subwoofers..
everywhere :l 

But run dmc+aerosmith=pwnzorz!
I think we'll be good friends if you hate rap as much as I do, except walk this way, that was awesome

Music / Official Classic Rock section!
« on: March 20, 2010, 10:56:14 PM »
Official section for the most kickass genre. I'll start with a debate me and krasher had earlier.

»LB« UberLord: Europe - The Final Countdown
.:~RND`=- Kräsher: Epic Perfection
»LB« UberLord: this was perfect :D
.:~RND`=- Kräsher: lol
»LB« UberLord: My body says to sleep, but my mind says "Screw that, the suspense just started building!"
.:~RND`=- Kräsher: then your heart says
»LB« UberLord: "OHSHIT"
»LB« UberLord: oh, that too
.:~RND`=- Kräsher: lol
»LB« UberLord: I know your campaign song, unnoficial though, I'll give link after this song
.:~RND`=- Kräsher: lol
»LB« UberLord: actually, I'm debating on two, dream on-aerosmith or I want it all-Queen
.:~RND`=- Kräsher: lolol
»LB« UberLord: Dream on - Aerosmith
»LB« UberLord: DREAM ON!
.:~RND`=- Kräsher: lawl
»LB« UberLord: dream on man *tear*
.:~RND`=- Kräsher: Metaphor?
.:~RND`=- Kräsher: As in
.:~RND`=- Kräsher: No way im admin
»LB« UberLord: no, as in your dreaming now, but there is still hope
»LB« UberLord: Dream on, dream on
Dream yourself a dream come true
Dream on, dream on
Dream until your dream come true
Dream on, dream on, dream on...
»LB« UberLord: and besides, I want an excuse to listen to aerosmith xD
.:~RND`=- Kräsher: lol
.:~RND`=- Kräsher: Aerosmith rocks
.:~RND`=- Kräsher: FFFTTTWW
»LB« UberLord: I can't believe how many ppl only like one or two classic rock songs, when they are the songs that made the hardest impacts on music
.:~RND`=- Kräsher: yes
.:~RND`=- Kräsher: and sound coolest
»LB« UberLord: YEAH, rap is only good if it's run dmc+aerosmith
.:~RND`=- Kräsher: YES
.:~RND`=- Kräsher: Heard this?
.:~RND`=- Kräsher: Whitesnake - Still of the Night
.:~RND`=- Kräsher: Thats proof Classic Rock is Epic
»LB« UberLord: nice
»LB« UberLord: I can give the classics of classics
.:~RND`=- Kräsher: lal
»LB« UberLord: Goodbye yellow brick road - Elton John
»LB« UberLord: pls tell me you heard this
.:~RND`=- Kräsher: Yes
»LB« UberLord: YESH
.:~RND`=- Kräsher: Makes me cry
»LB« UberLord: yeah, it's epic
.:~RND`=- Kräsher: yea
»LB« UberLord: wait, this one is basicly unknown, but me and my dad love it
»LB« UberLord: April Wine- Sign Of The Gypsy Queen
»LB« UberLord: sign of the gypsy queen-april win
»LB« UberLord: wine*
.:~RND`=- Kräsher: Good start
.:~RND`=- Kräsher: I like this
»LB« UberLord: yeah, about a gypsy who was harrassed and punished by villagers and now she's seeking revenge
»LB« UberLord: should we post our discussion on classic rock onto forums?
.:~RND`=- Kräsher: Yes :D

Music / Re: O HAI..... (Nerro -- Live Shitake.)
« on: March 20, 2010, 10:01:39 PM »
'ello, another dj will be... interesting. if you are friends with krasher you must have common goals, do you plan to take over the world?

Funny Stuffz / Troll!
« on: March 20, 2010, 09:26:05 PM »
Internet Bridge Troll
Steve Job owns a PC!

Funny Stuffz / Re: help?
« on: March 20, 2010, 09:25:15 PM »
Well, i'm screwed, no one knows what to do :'(

Forum/Website Suggestions / Re: Forum Suggestions
« on: March 20, 2010, 08:50:47 PM »
I like a lot of that stuff :D
 / \ / \ / \ / \ / \ / \ / \ / \
( A | p | p | r | o | v | e | d )
 \_/ \_/ \_/ \_/ \_/ \_/ \_/ \_/

Server Requests/Suggestions / Re: Votekick / voteban
« on: March 20, 2010, 08:46:13 PM »
Add me to the list, by the time you get rid of all the money rounderz on flood the round is ended :'(

I'm up for this. DoeniDon, striker, and I were playing flood when all of a sudden several minges came. WE tried votekick and ban to no prevail. They had formed and impenetrable wall. There were two ppl screaming that respecteds were power hungry and two or three kids blaring away on the mics. I think VIP would be a good idea as long as the only ppl who get it are active forumers and ppl who play often and can be trusted.

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