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Messages - BrotherBlade

Pages: 1 ... 26 [27] 28 ... 62
General Chat / Re: Favorite drinks!
« on: March 23, 2010, 03:49:45 AM »
You can mix with milk, with juice, with juice and fruits, with water and there are more things you can make with it like a healthy cake which I never tried lul (btw it comes in flavors).
And its not the only thing Herbalife has, they have many types of nutritious tablets and more stuff for people that train to help the growth of their muscles and more =D
Btw everything is natural and made by award winning professors, and it has a special way to earn money with it (which I can't explain cause I don't work there lul).

People get extremely rich in Herbalife, ofcourse it takes them time but I'm sure its worth it =P
And also the have a record in Guinness book, a man lost more then 30 KG's with Herbalife in like 3 months I think.

So it can be healthy no matter what you mix it with?

Music / Re: Anyone here listens to this band?
« on: March 23, 2010, 03:44:24 AM »
I think I dislike you now


I will never stop liking deviant  :-\

I've seen mike, good guy. He wouldn't have broken the rules, and flipskater should have gotten the ban :( He yelled at me and don and striker the other day because we were respected... he has no respect AND IT WAS MIKE'S BOAT!!!

I remeber that day he was being all bitchy cus of the respected and I agree IT WAS MIKES BOAT. Thats just Jester for you  ;D

General Chat / Re: Favorite drinks!
« on: March 23, 2010, 03:41:55 AM »
LOLWUT, Herbalife shake, (in short) is a powder with vitamins and stuff that the human body needs, it gives you energy, after a while your nails and hair starts growing faster (means you're becoming healthier) and its good for children, people that train, pregnant women, old people, over-weight people, under-weight people =D

(And that's in short, and I also missed some things I can't remember right now lul)

So it's not a rice patty? Do you mix it with milk?

General Chat / Re: How to Insult Someone Without them Knowing.
« on: March 23, 2010, 03:41:07 AM »
So can you insult many people at a time with this tactic? (back on track)

Brother, you failed

Maybe YOU failed!

Funny Stuffz / Re: scary clip? you decide
« on: March 23, 2010, 03:37:36 AM »
I don't,I'm my own species

What color your skin or scales or feathers!?


No only woman,men are just sexualhogs

Lik Tyger Woods?

Funny Stuffz / Re: EPIC WIN TIME !
« on: March 23, 2010, 03:35:53 AM »
4k - 6k shekels, which are: 1,069.232 USD - 1,603.848 USD, not much, but they do arrest bad people and everything, just that they barely put an effort...

At least they do their job SORTOF.

Games / Re: Project Natal for Xbox 360! Amazing shiz!!!
« on: March 23, 2010, 03:35:19 AM »


General Chat / Re: Favorite drinks!
« on: March 23, 2010, 03:33:55 AM »
Herbalife shake, heard about it? =P

Yeh I heard about it! I did its like a rice patty  :o

Artwork/Graphics / Re: =- RND Graphical Design Team -=
« on: March 23, 2010, 03:33:03 AM »

Funny Stuffz / Re: EPIC WIN TIME !
« on: March 23, 2010, 03:32:29 AM »
Yeap, as I said, corrupted cops, now I'mma go to gmod =D

Corrupted Cops getting much on average?

Funny Stuffz / Re: i love blues clues
« on: March 23, 2010, 03:31:51 AM »
I only watched teletubbiez and porn a few other shows like the wiggles or something, I forgot.
Barney actually scared me...
I used to watch teletubbies and i'd cry when the baby headed sun went down.

Funny Stuffz / Re: help?
« on: March 23, 2010, 03:31:00 AM »
lul, btw we kind of de-railed this thread, but it was kind of stupid and useless anyways so nvm xD

Every thread seems to get de-railed in rANdOm.

Back on track: Have you tried taking the pants off them trying to get the shoe in?

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