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Messages - Pigeon [UK]

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Games / HL2 Ep 3??
« on: February 28, 2010, 11:58:24 AM »
Just wanted to start a chat about what you guys think is gonna happen in it, any concept images ideas, maybe even mods of it since no one else did

Games / Re: What Game Do You like most?
« on: February 28, 2010, 11:54:57 AM »
Gmod Cn Be Any Game as long as some 1 builds a mod for it, GMOD FTW :D

Funny Stuffz / Re: LMAO
« on: February 28, 2010, 11:43:01 AM »
LOL nice one

Boneyard / Re: Un Kickable/Banable Player
« on: February 28, 2010, 10:50:34 AM »
i tryd his full name, one letter, ur susjestion and it doesnt work (obviously only tryd when he was mingin)

Boneyard / Re: Un Kickable/Banable Player
« on: February 28, 2010, 10:33:12 AM »
Im not sure if this is hax, this guy sounds about seven or nine and i know he wouldnt hack but i think it something to do wid the fact that everyone on flood has atleast one letter in there name from i cant do it's name "a, i, o" are all voules (sry if i spelt wrong :S) from his name that are usually from other ppls names

Boneyard / Un Kickable/Banable Player
« on: February 28, 2010, 10:08:08 AM »
Name: I Cant Do It

When Ive Tryed Kicking Him It Kicked Some other Respected Guy On Multiple Occasions (video coming soon)

I Got Banned By Hellmod When He Tryd To Ban i cant do it ???

What Ive Type: votekick i cant do it

And it kicked someone else

# 693 "I cant do it" STEAM_0:1:30747529 33:56 136 0 active

Approved Respected Apps / Re: Hey :D
« on: February 28, 2010, 02:39:00 AM »
Well im already respected but here is info about me

Real Name : Ben Cripps
In-game Name : .:~RND`=- Pigeon [UK]
Age : 13 (14 this year)
Birthday : October 3rd
Location : Chiswick, London, England, UK
Friends : Lots But My Friends List Got Reset -_-
Time Active : (GMT 0) Weekdays 3:50 - 9:30, Weekends: All The Time
Admin Experience : Ive Been An Admin A Few Times On Other Valve Games

Why? : Hey, I have been playing a lot on your flood server as well as others and It's one of my favourite servers that I play on, however lots of guys have been breaking basic rules and ignoring other players so I was wondering if I could sign up and make the flood mod server back to the way it was when people never break rules and stuff :)

Anyways mah steam is: pigeonsarecoming

I always give would warning before kicking and will stop money rounds that usually hold up rounds

See you later on flood :P

Server Requests/Suggestions / Flood Prop Protection
« on: February 28, 2010, 02:30:34 AM »
So I've Had This Great Idear ADV. Proprotection:

In The Users Allowed Menu You Click On The Users Allowed On Your Boat And Then You Click On Ur Props That You Want To Have PP (user not allowed will be pushed of by pp), Another Good Thing Is The Ability To Share Certain Props Wid Your Friends (like pp You click on the ppl undered users being shared wid and click on the props that you want to be shared). PP should Also Push Other PPLs Props Who Ur Not Sharing Wid (this will also prevent mingez from cheating by sinking your boat wid their props)


Mingez cnt go on your boat

It will help prevent money rounding

PPL cnt sink other ppls boats with their props

You cn be in teams wid your friend :D or just let ppl on its all your choise

General Chat / Mah Youtube
« on: February 27, 2010, 02:13:13 PM »
Hey Guys Im Making Gmod Vids So Be Sure To Watch Them (8 Have Been Made So Far) Hope U Like Them (a collab acc with mah friend andres and a few other ppl (most vids done by me) if you want to be part of the collab just say)

Community Admin Apps / Re: Pigeon 4 Admin
« on: February 27, 2010, 12:01:38 PM »
Well ive been play for 2 months now but i could only sign up this week as ive been having probs signing up :'( but evenso i do have expirience of being an admin on other server :)

General Chat / Re: Steam fuxed up.
« on: February 27, 2010, 11:00:29 AM »
YH Valve Screwed Up Bad Friends List Still Not Fixed :-[

General Chat / Bored?
« on: February 27, 2010, 10:54:20 AM »
Well I am watching money rounders ::) any idears on how to stop them eg: respected cn slay ppl on there boat (you click noob slay and a massive explosion happens or your boat which doesnt dmg it but kills ppl on it) that would be awesome :D

General Chat / Re: Flood mod is way too long
« on: February 27, 2010, 10:38:12 AM »
Ok the problem here is that ppl money round and it takes 120 between a kick and sometimes vote no so its hard to stop money rounding

here is my idear

build round 300 secs and fight 300 secs or instead of 120 secs between a kick make it 60 secs

Community Admin Apps / Pigeon 4 Admin
« on: February 27, 2010, 06:08:04 AM »
Real Name : Ben Cripps
In-game Name : .:~RND`=- Pigeon [UK]
Age : 13 (14 this year)
Birthday : October 3rd
Location : Chiswick, London, England, UK
Friends : Lots But My Friends List Got Reset -_-
Time Active : (GMT 0) Weekdays 3:50 - 9:30, Weekends: All The Time :P
Admin Experience : Ive Been An Admin A Few Times On Other Valve Games
Why? : So Ive Become Respected To Kick/Ban Mingez But It Never Works, If I Kick A Rus Person Everone Other Thats Rus Guy Votes No, I Have To Wait 120 Secs Between Each Kick So When Loads Of PPL Shoot The Boat Theyre On, It Takes Like Ten Mins To Kick All Of Them And If They Are So Supporting Each Other At Being Mingez (which has happend losts of times) People Vote No So They Get Away With It :'( I Don't Like Banning Or Kicking And Slaying Would Be Much Easier Eg: PPL Money Round Instead Of Kick Them (when ppl vote no anyways) I Can Slay Everyone Apart From The Boat Owner. If I Was An Admin I Would Build My Own Boat And Not Noclip All The Time (unless its the building part of the round).

Thx For Reading And I Hope I Get Your Vote :D

Approved Respected Apps / Re: Hey :D
« on: February 23, 2010, 02:43:14 PM »
 :D Thx

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