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Topics - Cesar

Pages: 1 [2]
Help/Requests / Help me
« on: April 08, 2010, 09:48:32 AM »
Hello people!
I was wondering how to make a Day of Defeat server?
I will be grateful if you tell me.

RANDOM Deutsch - Diskussion / Sing deine Lieder hier: auf Deutsch
« on: April 08, 2010, 08:10:20 AM »
Schreiben Sie, wird das Thema Rechtssicherheit:

I'm posting here to talk if they could not put more weapons on both servers listed and others. Build on the wire can make wars and other things in the flood and has more content!

Server Requests/Suggestions / Upgrade weapons in ZS
« on: April 01, 2010, 04:08:17 PM »
Hello, I do not know if some want to but would give an update on the ZS, for example being:
. More weapons in CS;
. Add Kermit's arms;
. When he killed the precise number of zombies you can choose the weapon you want;
. New way of selecting players in zombie;

For now this is it!

Boneyard / Abuse of respect
« on: March 31, 2010, 03:09:51 PM »
Now was just playing Build Wire and some are abusing your respect.
Are kicking anyone.
Those involved are: Darkmind, Sanders and a few other q do not remember the name.
Please do something why not take it anymore.
They may even ask to Yomogimochi, Drift, they saw everything!

 :mad: :mad:

Hello, I had an idea and that people would like was that you could update the Winter Survival.
Save the recipies, I think many people wanted this, they must be cansadosde but having to search again, it would be easier than the recipies are saved than to be combining ... ... combining and matching.

I do not know if this topic already exit, but it is a request.

Thanks :)

Server Requests/Suggestions / New gamemodes
« on: March 22, 2010, 08:10:19 AM »
Hello everybody.
Here we can post your ideas gamemodes. I was thinking that Random might have more servers with multiple gamemodes.

For example being:

I was thinking it would be a GameMode om RP, but it would be in the medieval age.
Would be divided into two teams a kingdom, which would have to produce his castle collect wood, stone and board. Attacks enemies etc..
It selected a king (player) to represent. If the king would die for one enemies, the whole kingdom would lose.
It would be a PR of middle age.

I have many ideas and want to post. They should create a board to devise gamemodes.

Thank you for your attention!

Server Requests/Suggestions / OMG
« on: March 17, 2010, 03:10:27 PM »
My adv. dupe. no longer works, like, works but it appears the errors weld, the collider, etc.. Help me.

NOTE: You can look at my other topics?

Server Requests/Suggestions / HL1 Sounds for Wire Build
« on: March 17, 2010, 11:41:35 AM »
Hello, I was in my Yomogimochi strong and he said he was not listening to my sounds. Since they were souns of HL1. Could the server have these sounds to hear, not only for me but for all who want to use sounds from the game.

General Chat / Hi, I need a help
« on: March 17, 2010, 08:23:52 AM »
Hello, I know how to make a wire following: it is a port of my strong, it has no sound. How can I do that when he's opening the door it makes a sound and when to also.
If enternderem my question and answer. I THANK

General Chat / wire build
« on: March 15, 2010, 02:24:01 PM »
Ola pessoal, eu gostaria de saber onde posso baixar os materials do server wire build. Ficarei grato! :)

Server Requests/Suggestions / New Zombie Survival
« on: March 13, 2010, 05:18:33 PM »
Hello, I was thinking of a new zombie Survial. Pretty soon I'll post as I was thinking!

Community Admin Apps / Cesar(admin)
« on: March 10, 2010, 02:22:33 PM »
Hello everyone, I wonder if I can be one of the admin. In any server (or can at all?)
But I shall be grateful and leave!
I'll be grateful if I choose as "a" of the admin.
Thanks :) :police:

Approved Respected Apps / Hi, I'm Cesar
« on: February 19, 2010, 04:42:30 AM »
Who Am I:

Age: 15
Location: Brazil
SteamID: Cesar (although several other Cesar)
Games on Steam: DoD Source, Gmod, HL2 and HL2DM, Portal, Team Fotress and Counter Strike. (For now these are because my internet is bad)
Servers random: I play more in zombie survival, flood and build
(What I do: In gmod I build elevators, do npc's war with walls and so on., I play with the life suppport, build ships (Space Build addons). I study a little about  Expression 2 in wiremod.
In real life: I like to play football (as I am Brazilian, all the world like) on Fridays my friends and I'll eat eat pizza. Game RE4 (scared a little) Life is good)
If I be a member RND I see and meet the standards vo leave in order. I promise :police:

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