Community Admin Apps / RND SEX KITTEN's Super admin app
« on: March 01, 2010, 09:23:23 PM »
Hello my name is Rowan, You all (and by all I mean like 5 of you) Know me as .:RND`=-SEX_KITTEN 
Age: 17
Education: Still working on it.
Location: Milwaukee freaking Wisconsin! WHOOOOoooo... ... ;-;
Computerskillz: Amature 3D designing, nothing else \m/
The best way of explaining how awesome I would be as an admin, would be that not only have I been admin on a countless amount of others servers (Be them small or large, Popular or totaly sh*tty *cough* ...) Um, But on each one I have been refered to as "The must fair adminon this whole freaking server!" Even if my competition for that spot was some jackass who banned you for saying "Hi thar" And the person just joined... for the first time... and happened to pick up my weapon i had accidently droped right infront of him... -. -
Basicly I expect this app to be viewed by one person and removed/deleted from the forums and buy me a one way ticket to permabantown. But I know you admins and mods are nicer then that ^^;... right buddehs?
... guys?

Age: 17
Education: Still working on it.
Location: Milwaukee freaking Wisconsin! WHOOOOoooo... ... ;-;
Computerskillz: Amature 3D designing, nothing else \m/
The best way of explaining how awesome I would be as an admin, would be that not only have I been admin on a countless amount of others servers (Be them small or large, Popular or totaly sh*tty *cough* ...) Um, But on each one I have been refered to as "The must fair adminon this whole freaking server!" Even if my competition for that spot was some jackass who banned you for saying "Hi thar" And the person just joined... for the first time... and happened to pick up my weapon i had accidently droped right infront of him... -. -
Basicly I expect this app to be viewed by one person and removed/deleted from the forums and buy me a one way ticket to permabantown. But I know you admins and mods are nicer then that ^^;... right buddehs?
... guys?