« on: March 23, 2010, 01:32:07 PM »
You didnt see that one cumin did ya?
Look at my post !!
And my status !!!
Look at my post !!
And my status !!!
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give npc_grenade_frag
ent_fire env_spritetrail addoutput "targetname bubles"
ent_fire env_spritetrail addoutput "classname bubles"
ent_fire bubles setparent !activator
ent_fire bubles color "0 255 0"
ent_fire bubles addoutput "lifetime 5"
ent_fire bubles addoutput "startwidth 20"
ent_fire bubles addoutput "endwidth 0.00001"
ent_fire npc_grenade_frag kill
ent_create logic_timer
ent_fire logic_timer addoutput "targetname timer5"
ent_fire timer5 toggle
ent_fire timer5 addoutput "refiretime 0.6"
ent_fire timer5 setparent bubles
ent_fire timer5 enable
ent_fire timer5 addoutput "startdisabled 0"
ent_fire timer5 addoutput "UseRandomTime 0"
ent_fire timer5 addoutput "ontimer bubles,addoutput,rendercolor 0 255 1,.4,-1"
ent_fire timer5 addoutput "ontimer bubles,addoutput,rendercolor 0 180 70,.4,-1"
ent_fire timer5 addoutput "ontimer bubles,addoutput,rendercolor 255 0 1,.2,-1"
ent_fire timer5 addoutput "ontimer bubles,addoutput,rendercolor 0 0 255,.6,-1"
ent_fire timer5 addoutput "ontimer bubles,addoutput,rendercolor 123 0 215,.8,-1"
ent_fire timer5 addoutput "ontimer bubles,addoutput,rendercolor 0 255 255,6,-1"
ent_fire timer5 addoutput "ontimer bubles,addoutput,rendercolor 0 25 105,4,-1"
ent_fire timer5 addoutput "ontimer bubles,addoutput,rendercolor 32 232 21,6,-1"
ent_fire timer5 addoutput "ontimer bubles,addoutput,rendercolor 12 120 21 1, -1"
ent_fire bubles setparent !activator
He freaking sounds like he's 24 doesn't he?
Xexxars not normal.
He's abnormal.
He's 7ft tall as well.
Me: You're 15 and I'm 18 but let's dance together!
You: Society won't like it
Me: I don't care.
Remember xexxar, You're mine D:
function Fail(F)
if a[1] then Fail
if a[1] > 0 && a[1] <= 3 then
p:EmitSound(Fail, 70, 100)
p:FailMessage( HUD_PRINTTALK, "You Have Written an Incorrect Sound Please try another" )
else fail
p:PrintMessage( HUD_PRINTTALK, "Fail" )
concommand.Add("rp_playfail", Fail)