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Messages - Pingaz

Pages: 1 ... 21 [22] 23
Boneyard / Re: Moo Abuse?
« on: May 25, 2010, 06:01:42 AM »

I think there was.... Hmm.....

lol i just made a post b4 i read this anony is a bitch excuse my lang

Boneyard / all servers offline!
« on: May 24, 2010, 08:00:21 AM »
fucking shit im here to compin that i dnt get to play today :L i now announce this the pissed off ppl spam thread XD son of a bitch im pissed tho >.>

i have no clue if this is the right place to post this but here goes basicly i along with a few other ppl got kicked from ttt for prop flinging and it auto demoted us cuz it was an admin who did it any way i was unaware you could not use props to kill the traitor if you ran out of ammo also i now understand that prop killing dose not affect karma fyi cheating and i dont like to cheat sooz im sorry i wont prop kill any more

an anothe note why is the magneto stick even in ttt? maby to move ammo but other then that idk you could use it to build a ladder or somthin but idk any way this is realy not what thiis is about so you can just ignore this and read the first paragraph :L thx

Boneyard / Re: WTF magic extreem punishment for nothing?!?!?!?
« on: May 19, 2010, 08:44:02 AM »
I didn't ban you? I don't remember banning you o_o

EDIT: OH YEAH, I banned like 5 different people for 15 mins all for prop killing, Including sabbath

well that is good and fine but how am i supposed to build in wire  you cant do crap without tools  :'( :'( :'( :'( :'(

Boneyard / Re: Ban request
« on: May 19, 2010, 07:28:14 AM »
this beter not be about me :L

Boneyard / WTF magic extreem punishment for nothing?!?!?!?
« on: May 19, 2010, 07:23:57 AM »
ok i think it was like a week ago and i was on ttt and i tryed to kill a guy with a prop because i thought he was the traitor and i wanted to kill him without him thinking i was going to killhim and then he like says for magic thro his mic to ban me then all the sudden i get prema banned from ttt and im all like wtf mate?!?!?!?   but i had a drink and desided well what ever i dont like ttt as much any way well i just got on wire today and tryed to adv dupe my microwave and i got the you must be respected to use this tool and then i just rage quited im fucking pissed now why would he do all this for prop killing on ttt i mean wtf :'(

Games / Re: what applaunch is portal (new not illegal)
« on: May 06, 2010, 05:53:40 AM »
Why did you make a thread on this? you can PM someone if he needs this Portal shiz.....

2 things

1. who am i gunna pm man and besides whats the poing of the forum if i cant use it to ask questions -.-

2. i mega <3 bleach

Games / what applaunch is portal (new not illegal)
« on: May 03, 2010, 07:02:06 PM »
go to steam right click portal create desktop shortcut go to desktop right click portal shortcut go to property's then copy the stuff beside


for example  garrys mod is

"C:\Documents and Settings\new\Desktop\Steam\Steam.exe" -applaunch 4000

thinks that is all i need i will not say any more

Community Admin Apps / pingaz for admin!! (serious)
« on: April 27, 2010, 07:16:28 AM »
okay the reason i want to have admin is because every time i get on there are people needing an admin left and right but no ones online. but if i become an admin ill fix that stuff ppl need help with im online almost 24/7. also i keep coming back to the forums like ever day reading posts and stuff i could help with. if you do deside to make me an admin i will not abuse it in any way shape or form this is solely for the people not me i want to help. if i do abuse it in any way (i will not you have my word i swear on the bible) you can perma ban me from every random server there is.

 and that is why i would like to be an admin.

Name Info:


Steam Username:

Real Name:
Trevor c. Childers



Hours on Garry'sMod:
over 9000 nah. but i have played sence like over a year 24/7 and have been respected for bout 6 months. or more

15 (going to be 16 on march 16th.....  2011)


being awsome ftw

What I'm good at:

obviously games... but to be more specific puzzle/challenges

When You Might See Me In Gmod:

all the @!$#$%@# time

btw i like green

also be 18 or older bla bla bla tho it hasent shown nuditity yet sooz i know i suck at spelling

sweet i have now got 3 click who wants to see the picture >:) i will post it here help support the cause


this is what you unlock at 3 clicks


more clicks i get the more pornz i get lol any way if you want to start your own let me know ill give you free clickz

Anime/Manga Discussion / Re: What's Your Fave Anime?
« on: March 09, 2010, 07:01:59 AM »
hows that ghey?

Anime/Manga Discussion / Re: What's Your Fave Anime?
« on: March 09, 2010, 05:08:32 AM »
#1 in the world is fooly cooly it rapes all other anime watch it its only 6 ep long sadly i wish it where longer

any way here listed from best to worst tho none r rlly worst

naruto shippuden
full metal alchemist
code geass <3

then the least fav

big 0
dragon ball z
the boondocks
and meney more i cant remember

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