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Messages - DoeniDon

Pages: 1 ... 6 [7] 8 ... 74
General Chat / Re: am i..?
« on: July 28, 2010, 11:44:53 AM »
@DoeniDon If you are going to talk Switzerland, I highly respect that country. However, you have little if any military accomplishments of your own, so you cant use those as references to how awesome you are.
Yes, but you can't really talk about the military when the country you mean is neutral and highly dislikes wars.
Also, we had military accomplishments ... They were just only important for Helvetica and didn't matter to anyone else. Switzerland just shows that it's always best to stay out of wars. We haven't joined the First or Second World War and weren't affected too much by it. That's why it's so rich.
Anyone remember the Nationalism FTW Thread? :3

Server Requests/Suggestions / Re: New Team Chat Title for ZS
« on: July 28, 2010, 11:09:48 AM »
I miss the good ol' disguise times.

Today, when playing ZS with Magic, myppl8 was there again.
He kept asking for Temp Admin.

Banning or kicking for micspamming is incredibly stupid.
Need cut he's respected

General Chat / Re: am i..?
« on: July 28, 2010, 06:38:13 AM »
the swiss only make cool guns and watches :D
also you guys meant europe... spicificly teh brit
And nice chocolate and cheese :3
And when the fuck did America own the brits?

Community Admin Apps / Re: [JP]Yomogimochi's admin application
« on: July 28, 2010, 06:32:52 AM »
Yomo for adm0n +1, we need yomochat in the moderator section.
We need yomochat everywhere.

General Chat / Re: am i..?
« on: July 28, 2010, 06:29:52 AM »
You are comparing a continent to a single country. Try comparing just your mediocre country to the U.S. then we talk.
No, I'm not. America is not a country, it's a continent. Europe is a continent, America is a continent. I never compared anything to the US <3 Also, if you want to compare Switzerland to the United States, go ahead.

since that shit was mostly self contained within europe, all of your successes are also failures, secondly, we have had almost no conflicts on home soil, so beat that. I could also argue that island hopping in the pacific could be called one of the greatest military successes in the world. Oh wait, you called the nazi campaign a success? Wtf, they got pwnd after stalingrad.
Yes, they got pwned as soon as they fucked too much with the Soviet Union, but before that, they had quite epic wins.

oh noes america didnt "win" the war within europe oh what will we do? We still pwnd the japanese (i still love you yomo)
If you join a war on another continent unprovoked, then you're supposed to win it or at least get some kind of advantage from it. Also, the Japanese epicly pwnt America until they bombed the shit outta them.

I don't know about that, source please.
It depends on if you count joining a war or the Cold War as a war. I don't.

ill give you that, if you source it.
One of the first results on Google. It's 2 trillion, not 10 billion, I failed there. inb4countryvscountry; Switzerland doesn't owe China money and doesn't owe money to anyone since it's rich as fuck anyway.

I love how there's always someone jumping on "MY COUNTREH IS SUPERHOFUSWIURRHWRRRRRRR THAN IURS". It's useless to say "we did this in the past", because "we" didn't. We weren't involved in any wars, and I think it's useless to be proud about something we weren't even involved it. I still wuv you Sanders and other Americans <3

Also, Artik, shush.

@Marked: Depends on who "you guys" is. Yes, the Americans epicly pwnt the Germans and Austrians in the First World War, I'll give you that.

Music / Re: 28 weeks later
« on: July 28, 2010, 12:39:51 AM »
I loved 28 weeks later.
I loved 28 days later.
I will love 28 months later.

RANDOM EspaƱol - DiscusiĆ³n / Re: Oye!
« on: July 28, 2010, 12:38:49 AM »
negro, por favor

General Chat / Re: am i..?
« on: July 28, 2010, 12:36:28 AM »
We all know Europe is superior anyway.
America was made by Europeans.
Europe doesn't owe 10 billion dollars to NOISYLAND.
Europe has the richest countries of the world.
Europe had the biggest military successes of the world, the Nazi campaign against Russia and Poland.
Europe lost most of its wars against iself, for example the Second World War against the Soviet Union, which is part of Europe. (And no, America didn't win that war, all they did was keep the nazis busy until the Soviet Union broke through Berlin ...)
Europe doesn't manage to lose 5000 soldiers against a group of poorly armed rebels that were armed by America. *cough*taliban*cough*
No country of Europe started a war since 1938.

tl;dr: Europe >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> America

General Chat / Re: LOLOLOL
« on: July 28, 2010, 12:18:36 AM »
Well, you can, but you'd have to go out of your way. Since 99% of the processes that your computer is running is from system 32, windows force-blocks you from deleting it. Kind of like if your running firefox, and try to delete firefox.exe. It won't let you.
Of course you can end firefox.exe when firefox is running o.o

Community Admin Apps / Re: .:RND`=- RoflCopter Adminz App
« on: July 27, 2010, 12:42:04 AM »
You kicked Frank once for exploding a barrel and killing two or three people with it.
You attempted to ban (ban! not kick!) someone for "hacking" because he planted three C4s, which is absolutely retarded.
You once kicked someone for playing a song over mic. lrn2mute.
And you put no effort at all into your admin app.

Funny Stuffz / Re: [GAME]Picture Battle
« on: July 27, 2010, 12:05:43 AM »


General Chat / Re: Time Machine doesn't exist even in the future.
« on: July 27, 2010, 12:02:29 AM »

Boneyard / Re: Problem still with flood rules.
« on: July 26, 2010, 11:56:32 PM »
Didn't you learn anything?
Even after complaining for years, that rule will stay. It's stupid, people get kicked for it, but it'll stay there.

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